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tkmboy pablo 1:05  ───|────── 2:53|◁              II             ▷|                          ∞            ↺

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boy pablo
1:05 ───|────── 2:53
|◁ II ▷|
∞ ↺

"are you sure this is a good idea?" Mizuki questioned, Reki rolling his eyes at her response. she's been worrying all day, even when Reki told her there was absolutely nothing to worry about.

"he made fun of my skating Mizuki, I had to challenge him!" Reki retorts in annoyance, started to think nobody believed in him beating Shadow.

"who even did you challenge by the way?" Manager Oka leans over the counter, unamused but still obviously concerned for Reki.


"the Shadow?"

"yes the Shadow!"

Mizuki looks back and forth at them in confusion, who was this Shadow and why was he such a big deal?

"Who's Shadow?" they both turn to Mizuki, who has an eyebrow raised as she waits for her question to be answered.

"you might know him very well Mizuki." Manager Oka states, confusing the purple haired girl even more. she rubs her chin in thought, not knowing who he could be.

Reki turns frantically toward Mizuki with a look of betrayal, "you know Shadow?!"

"She does."

"I do?"

Manager Oka lets a smile overtake his features, "it's been a while but you'll know when you see him."

the confusion Mizuki held was beyond questionable so she just scratches the back of her neck.

"be ready by 9 if you wanna be there in time." Manager Oka tells Reki who tugs on Mizukis sleeve to drag her to the back room.

"how do you know Shadow?" he questions immediately, making Mizuki shrug as she didn't know herself.

"I haven't been here in a couple of years, there's a lot of people I could've known that could be Shadow."

Reki nods understandingly and turns to observe his skateboard as if to look for imperfections, Mizuki can tell how nervous he was and it made her even more anxious.

she places a comforting hand on the redheads shoulder, Reki giving her a small sad smile in response.

"what's so scary about this Shadow guy?" Mizuki decides to let out the question that's been wandering her mind, why was he so scared of him?

Reki sighs, "he's an S skater, who plays by his own dirty little rules."

"that seems awful." Mizuki worries for her friend even more, they had gotten so close in so little time and she couldn't stand seeing him hurt.

"we aren't fully finished with your training though, there still are a ton of tricks I have to teach you!" Mizuki attempts to make him back down from the race, but she was in no place to talk herself.

"don't worry, I think I'm ready!" Reki shows her his famous smile, which makes her feel a little bit more at ease but still nervous none the less.

"well if you're ready then let's get going, Mizuki can you grab my toolbox?" Manager Oka interrupts their conversation, pointing to the toolbox placed on the table next to her, which she grabs and starts to follow them toward the car.

a couple minutes later upon entering the car, they arrive at S where she lays her head against the window in boredom.

a few skateboarders glide in front of the car, Mizuki feels like they are basically asking to get ran over but that's not her problem.

"jeez that was dangerous." Manager Oka sighs, not wanting to hit someone on accident.

"it's all hyped up as usual tonight!" Reki states, popping his head out the window to get a closer view.

only being at S once, she didn't get a good look at the people or the environment. she competed after being challenged and then left S as if it wasn't that big of a deal.

now that she looks at it more closely, it doesn't seem as half bad as she thought it was.

some were dressed casually and others with a full blown masquerade set up. what's important to her was their expressions, people were having fun doing what they loved, skateboarding.

Reki exited the car and skated toward a- a clown? Mizuki mentally facepalmed at this while watching from the spectator area with Manager Oka.

"look familiar?" Manager Oka nudges her, Mizuki squinting her eyes to try and get a closer look at this Shadow guy.

oh god. "Oka please do not tell me that's Hiromi." this time she actually facepalmed, making Oka chuckle at her tactics.

"wow you got him spot on, I thought it'd take you awhile."

"well if it's just Hiromi, why are you guys so scared? he's a pretty nice guy." from what Mizuki recalls, Hiromi was just a nice florist who helped her extremely.

"it's been years since that, he got really into S and here is the guy he is now."

Mizuki almost frowns in thought of Hiromi being a bad guy after he was so nice toward her.

the stoplight signaling the race was about to begin turns green, and Mizuki watches anxiously as the girl waves her flag to start the race.

Shadow starts off in the lead but Reki follows close behind. it wasn't long after Shadow taunts that Reki begins to catch up and eventually pass the antihero.

this obviously angering Shadow, he grips onto the small explosives in his hand. he throws them toward Rekis skateboard, which makes him unbalanced and no longer in control of it.

Oka and Mizuki sweatdrop at the outcome as they in the background hear the announcers say Shadow won the race.

"we'd better get going, you'd guys have school again tomorrow."

"please don't remind me."

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