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【 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 】

"no just put your left foot near-"  Hiromi sighs and stops mid sentence as Mizuki takes yet another tumble after trying to nail a extremely hard trick.

he had just started teaching her how to ride a couple days ago and she was already thinking of cool looking tricks she wanted to learn.

Hiromi had to admit, he didn't think Mizuki would learn this quickly let alone already nail some basic tricks and now trying to aim for difficult ones.

"Mizuki, are you alright?" Hiromi asks as she watches a group of kids pass her by, pointing and laughing at the sight of her falling even though he knew damn well those kids couldn't do the tricks she could.

instead of the usual nice florist persona he had around Mizuki, when the kids look at him that persona almost disappears into one that scares them away.

Mizuki huffs hugging her scratched and slightly bleeding knees, tears begin to fall from the brim of her eyes.

"why don't they like me? all I wanted to do was skate but-"

Mizuki cuts herself off as she gazes toward everyone in their own group of friends, either skateboarding or having lunch together. she yearned for someone she can call her friend, someone who displays the same interests as her.

Hiromis heart aches at the sight, thinking of ways to help the young one feel better. there was only so much he can do for her.

he jumps in realization as he remembers a gift he left in the trunk of his car. with a quick stop by their local clothing designer, he found something he could create to help Mizukis sadden spirits.

"hey there Mizuki, I have a present for you if you want it."

at the sound of the word present, Mizukis eyes glimmer with sparkles as she looked up at Hiromi.

she follows him to his pink car, watching him pull out a long white piece of clothing. she watched him stretch out the material in order to reveal its true design.

on it was a pattern of a white butterfly on a haori, with white pink and green accents. Mizuki gaped in awe at the design, jumping up and down in pure excitement.

he hands the haori over to her, it being almost 3 times bigger than her normal size which she assumes is for when she grows older.

"when you go professional, which I'm pretty sure you will, this haori could very well be your trademark in whatever way you use it."

Mizuki slides the haori over her shoulders, slipping her arms through even though the sleeves cover her entire arm and hang off a little bit.

she grabs part of the haori that would drag on the floor if she didn't carry it and jumped to hug Hiromi.

"thank you thank you so so much!!" nothing could outmatch the smile on either faces, happy Mizuki finally had a bright smile on her features.

"Mizuki!" Mizukis parents called as they exited the car, Miya running out with a tiny skateboard so he could learn how to skate with his friends.

Hiromi and Mizuki both approach her parents, her parents greeting Hiromi and thanking him for the lessons as always.

"Mizuki can you go help Miya for a second?" Mizukis fathers asks but it comes out rather like a statement, making her nod and run to find Miya in the vast majority of children.

"How were the lessons today Hiromi?"

"She knows and has perfected some basic tricks, now she is aiming for far more difficult tricks."

her parents nod, glancing at each other and being satisfied at his response, "that's perfect, we plan to send her to a professional to hopefully expand her skills."

Hiromi, who had grown close with her parents, narrowed his eyes at them before agreeing.

"that's a great idea, I think she has the potential of being a great skater and she has the chance to run on a professional team."

"we really appreciate you teaching her what she knows, thank you Hiromi." both her parents give her a closed eyed smile, showing how truly grateful they were.

all eyes turned to Mizuki,

knowing she was gonna be a wonderful skater.


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