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something Mizuki wasn't fond of when coming back from training.

since Mizuki spent a majority of her time having to train, she was home schooled. this making her not the most social person.

she was extremely grateful Reki had approached her that day and asked to train him, otherwise she would've been alone at school.

Mizuki grabs her skateboard, on her way out the door she catches an apple her mom had tossed and thanks her before closing the door.

she sees Reki already turning the corner to her street and waves at the red head who smiles and waves back in return.

Reki stopped his skateboard and fist bumped Mizuki as their friendly way of saying hi, "you ready for your first day?"

"terrified if I'm being completely honest." Mizuki confesses to Reki, who chuckles at her response.

"you'll be completely fine stop worrying so much."

Reki motions for her to follow him as they both start skating to school, it wasn't long till they approached the doors to the school. Reki leads her to the office where she grabs her papers and figures she has her classes with Reki.

as soon as she enters, a majority of eyes were placed onto her, making her more uncomfortable than she already was.

everyone went to sit down as the teacher entered, including Reki who gave her a shoulder pat of encouragement.

the teacher narrowed his eyes before clearing his throat, "introduce yourself."

"right uh I'm Mizuki."

"Mizuki?" the teacher droned on.

"Mizuki Chinen."

"anything else?"

"I thought I was only supposed to introduce myself?" Mizuki whispers to the teacher who gives her a straight stare.


the door to the classroom opens, she would say she was saved by the bell but it was actually a door.

everyones attention turns to the person entering the room, including Mizuki who goes wide eyed at who entered.

there stood that lanky blue haired boy she almost ran over yesterday, and she immediately wanted to disappear from existence.

"take a seat beside Kyan." he says directly toward Mizuki, who nods and immediately follows his request in hopes to shrink in her desk where she couldn't be seen.

Reki gives her a toothy smile and thumbs up at her introduction, to which she glared playfully back at him and made him put his hands up in defense.

the teacher begins to do the same thing to the poor blue haired boy, who's name she learned was Langa Hasegawa.

the teacher tells him to take a seat in front of her and she inhaled sharply at this, she can never get away can she.

"Chinen raise your hand." Mizuki hesitantly raises her hand, Langa scanning the classroom before meeting her eyes.

his eyes are such a pretty blue
her eyes are such a pretty purple

he directs him to take the seat in front of her, making Mizuki shrink even more into her seat.

"what are you doing?" Reki whispers confusedly, raising an eyebrow at her.

"what does it look like I'm doing Reki? hiding from my embarrassment!" Mizuki whisper shouts back, making Reki even more confused.

"embarrassment? of what?"

she shushes Reki when Langa approaches the seat in front of her, he gives her a small smile before taking his seat.

"open your textbooks to page 149, we are taking notes."

she looks around her desk searching for the pen she swore she just had before sighing when it was nowhere in sight.

she tried to whisper toward Reki, who was too busy doodling in his notebook to notice the purple haired girl trying to get his attention.

she crumples a sheet of paper and launches it at Reki who glares in response.

"what?" he whispers, and Mizuki points at the pencil he was using to draw.

"you have another pen or pencil?"

"no this is the only one I have, sorry!"

Mizuki groans in response, laying her face in her hands wondering what she was supposed to do now.

in front of her, Langa hears the whispers and immediately searches his bag for a spare pencil or pen.

turning around slowly as if questioning his decisions, he holds out a black pen for her to take.

Mizuki sits up straight in response, raising an eyebrow. she hesitantly takes the pen from his grasp and lets a smile overtake her features.

her smile ultimately ends up making him smile a bit too, "thanks, you really saved me there!"

he nods his head and turns back around, a smile still etched onto the corner of his lips.

he's pretty cool
she's pretty cool

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