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mizuki felt severely underdressed as her eyes traveled over the many teenagers of her high school

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mizuki felt severely underdressed as her eyes traveled over the many teenagers of her high school. she had her arms locked with her two best friends, both on either side of her, but reki had secretly let go so his crush didn't suspect anything.

"reki you came!" up walks a pretty looking girl, and even though mizuki came back home about 3-4 months ago, she couldn't remember anyones name.

she had black short hair styled as a bob, a white headband adorned her head and went well with her white outfit. behind her was a taller boy with jet black hair, and from their resemblance they were probably twins.

reki finally decides to reply after staring unashamedly at his crush, "amaya! and her brother akai, meet my friends langa and mizuki! otherwise known as you know who." he begins to wink multiple times in hopes she realizes who they are, but it looked very bizarre to the siblings who stared at him strangely.

mizuki and langa give small awkward smiles after rekis introduction, and amaya couldn't help looking at their linked arms.

"you didn't mention snow and mariposa were together!" amaya smiles as she slyly points at their linked arms, making langa and mizuki both turn to reki wondering when he unlinked arms with her. she also noticed how amaya didn't acknowledge them by their real name and rather their 's' name.

"we're not-"
"we aren't dati-"

the two both say simultaneously, immediately unlinking their arms after the awkward confrontation. and for some reason, amayas eyes just seemed to sparkle after finding out.

"come on in, we have drinks, not alcoholic but that doesn't mean we can't have fun." akai said, running his hands through his jet black hair while staring at mizuki.

the three of them sauntered passed the party hosts, taking in the chaotic envoirment.

"isnt this great!" reki attempts to get them hyped up, but is immediately shut down by mizukis uncomfortable glances around the room and langas stare.

"cmon guys, i know i'm always about skating but we should take a break every once in a while." langa stares at the boy semi-shocked.

"weren't you the one who said skating is your life? she must be really special to you if you changed your mind so easily." langa says, occasionally looking at mizuki worriedly as she fidgeted with her fingers.

if it's even a her.

reki rolls his eyes as he drags them to the coolers, handing them orange sodas to hopefully help ease them down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2023 ⏰

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