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Chinese New Year Sales1:05  ───|────── 2:53|◁              II             ▷|                          ∞            ↺

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Chinese New Year
1:05  ───|────── 2:53
|◁              II             ▷|
                          ∞            ↺

"Mizuki!" her mother does her signature 3 knocks before entering without an answer.

Mizuki, who was in the middle of polishing her board looks at her mother with an eyebrow raised.

"Reki and this boy with blue hair are here, they told me to call you." her mom leans on her door meanwhile Mizuki slips on her shoes.

as Mizuki thanks her mom and tries to slip past her, she blocks the door, "it's pretty late Mizuki."

"I know mom but Manager Oka needs me for a job and I have Reki and Langa with me." she attempts to reassure, making her mother squint before nodding in agreement.

"uh huh Langa, that's his name? potential boyfriend is what I'm hearing!" Mizuki groaned as she opened her front door.

"goodbye mom! love you" she shakes her at her mom, her mother had made the boyfriend comment when she had met Reki as well.

anyone of the male species is what her mother calls a "potential boyfriend." it's gets rather old and she'd like her mother to just refer to them as her guy friends.

as soon as she steps outside, Reki tugs on her sleeve and starts running almost making her trip.

"we're gonna be late!" he yells, while Reki and Langa hopped on the electric scooter. Mizuki would skate since she was an extremely fast skater and could keep up.

as they arrive at S, they pull out the sticker to show the guard who nodded in approval.

"we only have five minutes!" this time Reki tugged Langa who in turn grabbed Mizukis wrist.

Langa looks around stunned by the skaters in front of him. though it looks like he's straight faced his eyes speak an entirely different language.

they approach a guy with blonde hair and a green haired girl attached on his arm as he impatiently waits for his skateboard.

once he sees Reki, he boasts to the girl about how he got a professional to fix it up for him with her name on it. but upon pulling out the skateboard, they were met with the skateboard Reki was working on.

Mizuki watches the scene in shock, both her and Langa turning to each other with wide eyes.

"he didn't." Mizuki facepalms.

"he did." Langa copies her action, both turning back to the angry customer.

"im sorry! I'll get it right away!" Reki bows before disrupted by another person, she assumes was the blonde guy's opponent.

the trio turned toward the speaker, Mizuki still disgusted at Hiromis get up. he explained that it starts at midnight before looking toward Mizuki with eyes widened.

"shadow!" Reki says between gritted teeth.

Mizuki slowly goes behind Reki because of the awkward stares she was given, Shadows eyes still narrowing at Mizuki.

"Mizuki? so it was you last time!"

"you know him?" Langa slightly turns his head to where Mizuki stood, a look of confusion glued to his face.

"slightly, yes I'm back Hiromi and you're... different." Shadow shakes his head and gets back to the matter at hand.

"anyway, today's bet is to give the opponent any tattoo you want." Shadow proceeds to mock the greenette, who turns to her significant other in anger.

the blonde male skater offers for Reki to skater since he was at fault for the wrong skateboard. Mizuki knew he hadn't finished repairing his board and sighs.

it's when Hirom- Shadow threatens her redhead friend where she decides to step forward before all attention was on Langa who taped his feet to the board.

Mizuki facepalms for the second time that night, "I thought I'd skate." he says while rocking the board back and forth to ensure it will stay on.

"Langa, I've only known you for like a day or two but please tell me you aren't about to try and skate like that."

"I mean why not?"

this time Reki jumps in behind her, "you weren't able to skate at all and what's with the duct tape?"

Lang's explains why he had taped his feet on and Mizukis eyebrows furrow in confusion, "actually it's the opposite of what you are implying, you could get extremely hurt."

"I'll be fine... probably."

both Mizuki and Reki sweat-dropped at the bluenettes words, "I don't mind both of you at once!" Shadow smirks, making Mizuki huff.

"I've had enough of you, well I outta-!" Mizuki was held back by Reki who gives her a stern look as if saying it's not worth it which was not true whatsoever.

she doesn't know what's up with Hiromi , regardless of not seeing him in years, she wasn't gonna stand for his actions.

"he's no good, I'll do it." Reki states, Mizuki holds up his injured arm, "no let me."

Mizuki went to walk forward before stopped by Reki, "no not you either, he's dangerous."

"better me than duct taped Langa over here." Mizuki had a hand put over shoulder, and a long pink haired man stood to the left of her.

"sorry but he will be the one skating, Mariposa." now why the hell do people keep calling her that.

she watched as people around her called and cheered for Cherry Blossom, which she assumed was him.

he gestures for her to help Langa up, which she does hesitantly by holding his forearm and hand so he could stand.

Cherry Blossom explains the one rule they have at S, you get on a board then you have to skate.

Both Mizuki and Reki once again try to talk him out if it, Langa trying to reassure them which obviously didn't work.

guards started pulling away Reki and came back for Mizuki before she held up a finger and instead walked away on her own.

very nervously anticipating the race by the way.

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