Part 7 choices

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Story recap

 I thought for a moment knowing what I'm about to do is crazy but I didn't have a choice because if I don't act now Neil could kill Jake. So get back on to my feet and put myself between the both of them and just as I thought Neil ended up punching me instead of Jake. It to Neil a second to realize that he had hurt me "I'm sorry Kayla I'm so sorry" Neil says his voice cracking as he saw what he has done "Neil please leave clear your head I'll talk to you when you have done that" I say harshly Neil just nods his head and walks away. I have never been harsh to my brother so it took a lot for me to say that to him. I turn around to look at Jake he was pretty banged up "come on lets go get you cleaned up" I say as I helped him up and then helped him to my car rental. I then drove to the motel and helped him to the room I was staying in. "Sit I'll get the first aid kit" I say Jake nods sitting down and I get the first aid kit. I would come back and start to clean the cuts which caused him to hiss at the pain I apologize saying it was going to sting. "I'm sorry about Neil he's not normally like that" I say quietly "it's alright, but are you alright?" Jake asks me as he rubs the spot on my face where Neil had punched me and I will say Neil punches really hard. My face goes red as Jake rubs my cheek in all honesty I was starting to get dizzy so I was looking down, eventually I look up to see Jake looking at me as well. His face was dusted in a light blush as his thumb rubbed my cheek.

End of recap

 Jake leans in as if he was going to kiss me but a few seconds he backs away "sorry" he says I wave at him with smile as I get up and start putting the first aid kit's things back in it so I don't lose any thing even though I know that I could buy another one but it's better just to not lose stuff. "Are you hungry?" I asked him he just shakes his head no, I look over at him to see that he has my phone in his hand. "why do you have my phone Jake?" I ask walking over to him "your mother is calling you" Jake answers calmly handing my phone over to me. I answer my phone no seeing that it was a facetime call, I was startled to see my mom's face "oh! Hi mom what's up?" I say but she was not focused on me but some thing behind me so I look behind me ever so slightly to see Jake standing behind me with his jacket's hood back on his head. "God damit Jake! You scared the living shit out of me!" I yell at him he chuckles at my reaction he the wraps his arms around my waist. That's when I hear my mom laughing and calling for my dad to come over to see so I flip her off making her laugh even more. "Screw you guys" I huff angrily "so who is this young man? Not even in duskwood for two weeks and already found a boyfriend huh?" my mom ask me making my face turn red imminently. "What? No! Mom!" I yell at her my face going redder. "I actually wanted to talk to you guys about some thing important" I say both my parents looked at each other before looking back at the camera "okay, what's up kiddo?" my dad asks me. I thought for a few moments about how I was going to tell them not only where they looking at me but Jake was to for they were all curious as to what I was going to tell them. "I've been thinking about this for a few days, I think I would like to permanently stay in duskwood" I finally tell them they were all quiet for quite a while before they said any thing. My mom was the first to speak "are you sure that's what you'd like?" she asks me I nod for this is what I want and really need. I needed a fresh start in a new state in a new place it would do me good and I could see my brother more often. "Alright sweetheart that we support you and don't worry about coming home and packing me and your mother can do that for you. Then we'll drive it all down to you okay" my dad says I nod and say thanks then the call ends. I sigh putting my phone down on the table, I was happy to know that my parents support me but I'm no so sure about my big brother he might not like it all that much but I don't care because it's my life. I another reason I was happy is that I'm gradating as soon as the break was over and they will mail my degree to me.

Okay you crazies' here's another part for today I didn't really think that was going to put another part up today but I was really inspired to write today so here you go. Hope you all enjoy, until next time. ~night  

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