Part 11 research time

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Story recap

 I wasn't sure what to do with this information like what was I suppose to do I guess I should try to talk to Jessy and the others for now I have their numbers saved to my phone. I was about to get ready to text Cleo to see if she could help me find some leads. Even though they didn't really talk that much about Hannah but they did say they were trying to find leads because the cops of the town aren't doing all that well with finding any thing to go off of. My phone starts ringing so I pick it up and answered and I wish I never answered the phone because the person on the other line started to make threats if I didn't stop putting my nose where it shouldn't be. I hang up on the person why they stopped speaking I honestly was a little scared and I didn't know what to do but I end up just shaking it off thinking nothing of it. I message Cleo and we got to work on finding clues as to where Hannah could have gone we didn't find much but then again it was quite late so we both agreed to get some sleep and get back to work on it in the morning. Still a little drunk I fall asleep quickly I knew when I woke up in the morning I'd have a hangover which won't be all in all fun but that's okay because I'll just drink water and meds to counter it.

End of story recap

I was meeting up with Cleo today to go and talk to people to see if they had seen anything or had seen Hannah the day she went missing so I really hope this goes well because we really need some leads. So on our first stop we stopped at the gossip lady and talked to the people who worked there we did get some information apparently Hannah was seen near by going to the pharmacy and coming out with bag but that was the last they had seen her before she went missing. Even thought it was a good lead it didn't give us all that much to go on. At this point I had already informed Jake about our find thought I did lie to Cleo about who I was texting because both me and Jake agreed not to tell the others about him being a hacker.  The next place we went was the bar and well that didn't go all that well because it caused a heated fight between Cleo and Phil. So that's why we left the bar and headed to the motel to talk with the owner sadly she wasn't there but we talked to Alfie her son who I've seen a lot since I've been staying at the motel. He had said Cleo was the dead girl's friend and that she was dragged into the forest by a man without a face which sent chills up and down my spine, I've never been the one for scary things mainly because on I was younger my parents to me to a hunted house and it scared me for life so now I won't do any thing with scary things. So yeah when he said that it freaked me out and I already know I might have nightmares about it, thanks Alfie but no I don't like it it's scary to think about why did he have to say that. With that we both thought to talk to Jessy which thought it was a good idea to include Richy as well seeing as he grew up in duskwood and she did not. She had said the man without a face was a old scary camp story as well as one of the duskwood myth. All of this information was a lot to take in, I didn't know where to start so I decided to follow up on all of our new leads but I'm not sure where this will lead us but hopefully it gets us one step closer to finding Hannah.

okay guys I hope you like this I was finally able to come up with something but I know it's not but I did try I still have writers block so please be a patient for a bit longer. but until next time enjoy. ~night 

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