Part 4 big news

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It's quiet for a while I wait for him to say something to and the fact that he's not saying anything is driving me crazy. "Your going to be aunt Kayla" he says I almost dropped my phone from hearing this not expecting this next thing that I know he's laughing at me. "Oh my god Neil! Your an asshole you know that are you trying to give me a heart attack I swear to god I'll kick your ass for this" I yell at him through the phone only causing him to laugh even more then before. I start laughing as well after a while our laughter died down "but really why did I have to find out through mom that your single again and in duskwood of all places you could have gone, why didn't you tell me?" Neil asks I sigh "because I know you'd beat the living hell out of the guy, I mean Neil your in the army you could kill him if you really wanted to and I don't want you to go to jail for that" I tell him truthfully.  I can hear him sigh through the other line of the call he knew I was right and didn't want to argue about it because he knows that he would lose against me. "so why'd you call other then telling me that I'm going to be an aunt?" I ask him at first he's silent but then answers me "because I want to see my little sister and you know I'm station only an hour away from the town of duskwood" Neil answers I was so happy I would get to see him after five long months. "Oh cool then do you want to met up at the gossip lady café?" I ask him " yeah sure that sounds great" I smile and for the next few hours we talk to each other like good old times. Sooner or later We end the call that's when I hear my stomach rumble from being that it's noon and I still haven't eaten yet. Getting up and I decide call a pizza place and order some pizza because I just don't feel like going out to eat today and it was already five o'clock. I wait in the lobby of the motel waiting for the pizza deliver when a guy walks up to me. Looking the other way not wanting to look out of the normal to say the least, " hi there my name is Thomas and your name is?" Thomas interduces himself to me. Turning my head to look at him I also interduce myself "I'm Kayla, so do you need something?" I ask politely he shakes his head no " nah I'm actually looking for someone, her name is Lily so sorta works here have you by chance seen her?" he asks me I put my hand on my cheek think about that question. I mean I do remember a girl working at the desk, did her name tag say lily I question to myself while Thomas just waited for me to answer him. Now I remember the lady at the receptionist desk name tag did say lily so with that I look towards the desk to see she is currently helping people that seem to just arrive. "she's over there but it looks like she's busy at the moment. It may be a little while before she'll be done if I had to guess" I say shrugging, Thomas had also looked towards her as I spoke. "Damn but I really need to talk to her about her sister who is my girlfriend" he say with this it caught my attention really quickly "she has a sister kind of thought she was an only child" is say he shakes his head "no she has a sister her name is Hannah" he just says most likely not really thinking that much about so I just nod that's when I see the pizza I order. I say bye to Thomas wishing him luck as I went and payed for my pizza then went back up to my motel room for the rest of the day. As I ate my food I remember what the name of the missing girl's name was only yo realize that was her name I mean what are the chances being that they we're the same people. I pull my phone out and text Jake telling that I have some news but he doesn't answer me which then got me thinking as to how he got my number because I do not remember giving him my phone number so that would mean that he got my number some other way. I made the conclusion that he had to be a hacker because I only gave my number Jessy and I'm very sure she doesn't even know who Jake is to start with. 'so your a hacker that's how you got my number because I know I didn't give it to you' I text him and to my surprise a few minutes later he texts back saying "yes I'm a hacker to a while to figure out what's the news?' I mentality faced palmed because of this sighing I tell him that I found out that Hannah has a sister named Lily and boyfriend named Thomas. He was impressed that I had got some intel on Hannah 'good work' is all he texted back which really mad me pissed because he didn't even give me something work on when we first met and he expected me to find the work instead which is annoying. So I sent a middle finger emoji to show I was pissed off at him to which he sent a smiley face I was almost to the point of throwing my phone for the fourth time since I've been here. I decide to start a small conversation with him but I could immediately tell that he was closed of and that he really didn't like to much about and rather to like asking questions about myself. I didn't really mind telling him some things about myself, but there was some things that I just wouldn't even talk about with him. I did tell him that two days from today that I was going to hang out with my older brother to which he asked if we could also meet up that day to talk about things I say we could met up at some place. Without thinking I had smiled at something he had said I had to admit when I first saw his face he was hot and that I would date him if he wasn't trying to send me to jail. I shake those thoughts from my mind because I shouldn't think like this I've only been single for a few months now but still I don't think I'm quite ready for another relationship. I went to grab another piece of pizza when I saw that there was no more I frown at this, when I was in high school most people called me a pig because I could eat a whole pizza to myself so I really didn't have may friends in high school. I get up and wash my hands I look at the time to see it is now eight o'clock I guess I was talking to him for about three hours but I didn't really mind all that much and I guess he didn't mind that much as well but eventually I said I had to go and get some sleep he only said okay. I got ready to sleep but when I was laying down I wasn't able to sleep so I just started watching some YouTube to pass the time sooner or later I fall asleep watching a Minecraft building time-lapse. I actually woke up at a decent time today so I decided to go see if I could find a bookstore in town eventually I found one looked around, I did find one book I did like it was called the duskwood legends. So I got that book, a note book and some pencils to write with I figured that it would come in handy at some point in time. I also stopped at the bar aroura to get a drink because it's been so long since I've had one but I wasn't going to go crazy with drinking. after that I went to a movie theater and watched a movie and I so happened to run into Jessy so we decided to hang out for the rest of the day since neither of us had anything to do today. We both had a great time she also gave me a tour of the town properly which was fun but in the end we had to both go different way because she had to get home and I had to get back to the motel. When I walk into the motel I had a small conversation with Alfie and old man gray I had to say duskwood was really growing on me same with the people of the town they were all so nice to me. To be honest I kind of start thinking about staying here for good because the air out here is so much better then the city air that I grew up in. I went back to my room I guess I would have to talk to my family about staying here but I wasn't sure what they'd say to this decision.

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter I was able to make it a little longer this time. This actually the end of the first chapter of my actual book, so I should be starting chapter two of my book tomorrow. But before I start putting the next chapter I'm going to possibly be adding a small POV of Jakes In so that you guys can see what is going on with him while all this going on with Kayla Collin. Until next time bye. ~night 

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