CHAPTER 11 Hard trip home.

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"kill him..."i breathed out so quietly i wasnt even sure they would hear me, but she did. 

"good choice," nicole answered the smirk on her face irrating me i turned away from her quickly as she pulled a knife out, i closed my eyes and covered my ears as kyle began to beg for his life..but i still heard his screams, i could still smell the blood coming from his body..and suddenly it was silent. it was over. 

i turned slowly opening my eyes, uncovering my ears, i looked down at the life less body infront of me. "now what?" i ask moving my eyes away to look back at nicole. 

"now each of us must...apply his blood onto our skin to pass through the gates"nicole already had his blood all over her, so i walk forwards leaning down dipping my hand into the pool of blood besides the lifeless body one by one everyone followed "lets go shall we."nicole spoke. she stepped forwards dissapearing as she past through the gate. i hesitated before entering shocked at what was behind the gate...

this defenatily not our world..this world was cold, everything about it was dark. the houses werent as modern as ours the street was cobbled...this place was ancient. the people...werent people they were skeltons they were mostly all pale an injured in some ways. this was certainly the dark realm. i knew this was never going to be simple but this place was gigantic, where do we even begin. 

"there..thats where the salvatores are."nicole pointed her hand high up my eyes following leading to a castle. "the supernatural evil's castle."

"how the hell do we get up there without causing alarm?"jessica spoke for the very first time. 

"we control ourselfs, we stick to the shadows, we dont speak to anyone and we keep our heads down."claire answered quickly saving jess from nicole bitchyness. 

"correct, lets go"nicole nodded an started walking away i followed closely behind her jess behind me i could feel her nervousness rising and if i could feel it so could alot of other people. 

"jessica, calm down, we are meant to be controling ourselfs that  includes our emotions too."i whisper hastily at her. 

"sorry, but how would you feel if you had you're mate taken from you to another dimention created for evil souls?," She growled back making a stranger look at us, this stranger has black eyes and had evil pouring from it, the very presence of it make me shiver. i quickly looked away from the stranger an back at jess. 

"its not like you care, you should have noticed. we all should have. now shut up and calm down."i tell her coldly. 

"guys do this later, now keep up we dont have much time!"nicole whispers. i turn around sharply an keep walking. this was going to be a long hard trip, but for sasha i will do anything. 

*Sasha's P.O.V*

i woke up bouncing up in the air, hearing an engine roar i guess i was in the back of the car. 

"good your awake. you know this land better than us where do we go?"scott shouts over to me. 

"how am i supposed to know? i was only out hunting, i was paying attention to the hunt and the kill not the scenery, i was never shown a tour of the town jackass! you should have left me, they would have let you go but not with me!"i shout back at him 

"well lucky for us we have someone with a direct link to the vampires the huh!"stacey shouts 

"i cant read their minds if thats what your thinking, not without leading them directly to us"i tell her. 

"not you,!"a voice shouts behind me. i turn round to see derek grinning at me. his face had scars that werent there the last time i saw him, his eyes were black telling me he hadnt fed on anything. but appart from the starvation he looked well. 

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