chapter 3 so many choices

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i woke up extremly and searched the entire woods for the black wolf i couldnt find her anywhere. i tryed climbing the tree she jumped down from but i kept falling back down so i gave up. even though i couldnt find her or track her i still felt her close by which was frustrating me. but i had to go back and get ready for school. i plan on going after school though.

"you found that wolf yet?" claire asks making conversation.

"no im going to look for it again after school so i might be in late"i shrug looking down the hallway at everybody rushing around to class.

"i thought you were going out with your friends tonight"claire wrinkled her nose when she mentioned them

"hey now your the one that wanted me to socialise im just do as im told and i'll just say...i got a headache "

"whatever"claire pushes herself off the locker walking away as sadie stands beside me.

"whats wrong with her now?"sadie sighs.

"dont ask me why would i know"i turn round opening my locker i stick my maths and english books in taking my history and physics books

"well you are her girlfriend dont you guys just talk?"sadie plays with her fingers

"were not going out fuck we havent even slept together in about three months and we bearly even talk anymore"

"sorry"sadie apologizes"so...she's not told you where we are moving to this time?"

"no" a wave of sadness came over me. i didnt want to move. i like this place i dont like the people but the place is...quiet the forrest is amasing and i cant help but feel like this is the place...this is the place where i belong. BUT claire says no and that we are moving and i dont have a choice.

"i dont wanna leave jess i like it here"sadie says before walking away.

" too"i whisper before walking the opposite way

"oh oh jessica over here!"my 'friend' anya shouted over to me. so i put on the fake friendly smile walking over to them

"hey whats up?"

"nothing we were just talking about our shopping trip tonight going to be fun and we are finally going to give you a make over so you actually look like a girl"elizabeth smiles at me

"ouch liz now why are you being mean to my jessica"a nippy voice says beside me as a arm wraps round me shoulders i push him away

"im not your anything i dont even like you"i snarl at him every since i moved to this school this stupid boy in the year below who seems to know everything about everyone keeps hitting on me it his names kriss? keiran? kyle! yeah kyle but when i look at him i hate him for some unknown reason.

"c'mon babe we all know you want me your just scared that i'll reject you...but baby i wont ever hurt you...unless you like it that way"kyle winks at me cringe

"i think...i may have just threw up in my mouth a little...that is how much you repulse me"i watched his cocky smirk fade turning back to the girls "sorry girls got a really bad headache im going home now so i wont be able to make it tonight have fun though"i said before walking away.

i couldnt go home cause that would just create more problems with claire. i cant just wander about because no doubt someone will see me and tell claire or my 'friends'. i could go out in the woods and just stay away from the places claire goes...plan

i start walking towards the woods when i suddenly feel someone following me but i ignore it and keep walking but they keep getting closer so i turn around.

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