chapter 10. no matter what.

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"well played sister, i truely am proud, now where are you?"i spoke through our mindlink knowing that the iron would be out her system by now.

"i wondered how long it would take for that guard to wake up,your just going to have to find us yourself...we maybe closer than you think."stacey answered quickly. i stopped dead in my tracks as i remembered one of the rules i was taught by scott.

always create a distraction never choose one route of exit and always stay in a fimilar place.

"you never left the grounds did you?"i asked her.

"you'll just have to figure that out yourself."she answered smugly. well this was easy the only place they were fimilar with was the cells. i jogged down the white stair case slowing to a walk as i reached the oh so fimilar metal door. i stepped in looking around cautiously checking every cell but they werent here, the only other place that they knew was...the cage. i ran to the cage i wanted to catch the both of them before anyone else did.

"well done sister, looks like you do remember what we taught you after all."stacey clapped her hands as i stepped into the cage.

"of course i remember, now wheres scott?"

"im right behind you."he growled in my ear i spun round but not fast enough, he pushed me to the ground as the both towered over me. "for months we rotted in those cells while you were living the life, killing the innocent, joining the guilty. but now its pay back."he growled.

"wait!"i shouted. "you have no idea what i've been doing for the past 9 months!"i shouted standing up."you think this has been easy? well sorry but no its not! i lost everything in a blink of an eye and i saw away out but really, it was just a distraction, a distration for all the pain and anger i fell! for the past 9 months i have been avoiding you because i couldnt stand seeing the pain i caused you! i never betrayed you if anything i have honored you!"i shouted at him finally explaining.

"you honored me? im sorry but you have never honored me you have disgraced me."scott growled.

"for the past nine months i have gave up everything to gain their trust just to find a way to get you out! do you really think stacey would have escaped so easily if i didnt want her too? you taught me better than that! i gave you a chance to escape an now its time for you to go."i growled at them both, they stood staring at me shocked.

"what do you mean its time for us to go? your coming with us"stacey started to freak out as she forgave me.

"no. im not. if i leave they are just going to come after me again and this time we might not be so lucky. they will kill you this time. you two need to go and you need to go now."

"no, we arent going to leave you, we gave up on you once already we arent going to leave you behind again"scott finally spoke.

"im sorry but this is the way it has to be you'll have an hour maybe two if your lucky before they catch your scents so go north for about 30 miles and you'll be outside the grounds. then head west from there and you'll know but you have to be careful your in more danger outside the grounds than within, do not under any circumstances use your powers outside the grounds. you have no idea what people here will do for your blood and power. there is a black charger in one of the garages, i hid it for when this time came, heres the keys. now go"i spoke fast handing them over the keys, stacey nodded walking away but scott just stood there staring at me

"scott, im sorry for everything i have done to you and our family. i hope you can forgive me. and when you get back tell, connor im sorry and that the bastard deserves a slap for not being here or noticing my abscence and...please dont come back looking for me, it will be like...i never excisted."i told him my voice shaking, this was it. this was the end i had been planning. the goodbye i had been dreading, but the only way out for them.

"tell him yourself, because your coming with us wether you want to or not."scott growled i looked at him confused before i noticed his fist colliding with my jaw knocking me out....

*Conner's p.o.v*

As we drove, i couldnt help but wonder what was waiting for us on the other side, would they be ready for us? would we have to fight our way to them? or would we get by unnoticed until the end?

"whatever waits for us on the other side of this gate, we are about to find out."nicole muttered as the car stopped in literally the middle of no where. i didnt see any gates, walls, fences or anything to be honest. i stepped forwards walking along the road only to bang into something, but nothing was there.

"you cant pass, the gate needs to be open,"taylor told me.

"well how do we open the gate?"i asked her.

"innocent blood must be shed on the grounds of the gate."taylor announced

"what does that mean?!"

"it means someone has to die"nicole spoke opening the back of her car only to pull out a boy, but not just any boy, it was kyle.

"you cant just kill him! no there has to be another way. and besides he is far from innocent"i spoke fast trying to make her change her mind.

"there is no other way, even taylor knows that...he either dies and we get the salvatore's back or we walk away now, and forget about whats it going to be connor?"nicole spoke her voice cold but challenging. she wasnt going to listen to my choice, because she had already made hers, and kyle was going to die, no matter what.


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