CHAPTER 14 I Know What I Want.

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 Connor's P.O.V*

I watched as the car's drove off and my best friend turned her back on me leaving me in the middle of no where. Carly stood not to far away from me but I didn't want to see the look of betrayal on her face.

"What did you do?"Carly asks her voice cracking

"I..I just.."I tried to answer but I couldn't, I just what?

"Just couldn't sit in the back row like the rest of us? Sasha Is an alpha Connor she has and always will be more important than you, you are a normal wolf, not a omega or a beta certainly not an alpha, we live in a world where anger and jealous even love can get us killed, and you put us all in danger because you get bored of you're place in this fucked up world,"carly raised her voice taking a step towards me I finally look at her.

"I didn't know any of this was going to happen and when the clock's turned back things should have been different, I was compelled, nicole has done worse than me she gets to ride away and take my place at sasha's side, how was I even supposed to remember?"I say trying to defend myself.

"You asked them to compell you, nicole didn't ask for any of that to happen, you were just a selfish immature child, your 20 years old Connor yet you still act like You're 12, You're action's could have killed us all"carly's words made sure I had nothing left to say because she was right. "I'm sorry but I cannot have a mate who will risk my life for abit of attention,"carly continued shocking me, the pain in my chest rising.

"what are you saying?"I struggled to say as it was becoming harder to breath.

"I'm saying,..I'm rejecting you as my mate Connor, I will break the bond when I get home, but as of now You are nothing to me. I'm sorry."Carly said the heartbreaking pain in her voice made me step forwards to comfort her but before I could she phased into her beautiful wolf and took off past me towards home.

"I LOVE YOU"I shouted out as she ran but she kept going leaving me standing completely and utterly alone and I deserved it.

I had no mate, no pack, and No bestfriend.

I want my pack and I want my mate back.

But I never can.

Sasha's P.O.V

We had made it home safely and by home I mean my home not the pack house, I didn't want to go there, all I wanted was My room and my bed, but nobody would let me go to them.

"You haven't said a word since we got in the car other than I want my bed, You have to talk to us,"Nicole bugged me once again but I continued to stare at the blank tv screen in front of me, my eye's drifting down to the photo-frame  beside the tv..Me and connor when we were 15 smiling an hugging each other we were happy, my eye's started stinging and my throat felt like I had razor blades in it.

"If I wanted to talk I would, I just want my bed!"I shout standing upruptly.

"He betrayed you, not us we just don't want you to shut us out we need you to talk about this,"Nicole kept going, she really didn't get the hint.

"I dont want to talk about it! there is nothing to talk about, leave it alone!"I shout pushing past her but scott puts his hand on my shoulder stopping me.

"Listen to her, after all we have been through the last person you expected this from was Con-"Scott said but I cut him off.

"Don't"I growl "Don't say his name, I never want to Hear his name again,"I tell them all, I did want to hear his name again, I wanted to see him, I wanted to hug him, laugh with him, be happy again with him, My best friend, but I couldn't and that was torturing me. I ripped away from scott's hand an went to my room slamming the door shut behind me.

I want my pack and i want my mate Back!Where stories live. Discover now