chapter 15 happy ever after...

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Claire's P.O.V*

"Are you okay?"I ask carly as everyone either reunites with other pack members or mate's or goes for a shower,

"I'm dealing with it,"Carly answered hesitaintly

"You know it's not to late to choose him?"I tell her, I get what connor has done is wrong but when I think of it happening had it been my mate Jared I would never be able to leave him no matter what he done.

"I know and believe me I have thought about it a million time's but if he can do that to his best-friend and not even think of the concequence's that could affect the rest of the pack including me, he could have gotten us all killed Claire,"Carly explained her reason for not going with him, her eye's tearing up "It hurt's just thinking about leaving him, but I have to do what's right for myself and the pack,"Carly continue's a tear running down her cheek as she turn's away from me going up the stair's. I feel arm's wrap round my waist as someone kisses the back of my neck.


She'll be okay, it's like Jess said, heartbroken it will take time,"Jared whispers into my ear

"I hope so, I couldn't Imagine what I'd do if I were in her position."I whisper leaning back into him.

"I know, but I love you so much and I could never hurt you like that,"Jared promised in my ear and I was glad I had him

"I Love You Too,"I tell him turning to kiss the person I love more than anyone in this world.

*Scott's P.O.V*

Standing in the first shower I have had in 9 months getting the dry blood and mud off my body was great but I still had to deal with the fact that I no longer had a mate, I wanted to forgive her an move on but I was a salvatore, it was in my blood to make things harder for myself with lack of trust.

Fair enough skylar didn't know about shifters but..she should have noticed and thats the part that hurts most not the fact she slept with a shifter but the part she couldn't even notice, we were engaged she should have noticed...

sighing I turn off the shower getting out I wrap the towel round my waist, it felt good to be clean again I defenatly needed a hair cut though. I snorted at the thought.

My sister is on the edge of a breakdown, My mate is heartbroken over her own mistake and here I'am thinking of getting a hair cut, truth is I don't have any idea how to deal with any of this for so long I thought my sister had betrayed us but she had saved us and HE was the traitor.

We were all paying for HIS mistake but I'm not going to let it affect my life anymore, Skylar didn't deserve to be punished for this...

"I Love You Sky,"I said through our pack mindlink "And I'm so so so sorry,"

"I Love You too, you have nothing to be sorry for, Im the one who is sorry and I will make it up to you everyday forever,"Skylar practically shouted in my head.

"I'll see you soon,"I tell her leaving my bathroom to get dried and dressed in my old bedroom.

I wasn't going to let the mistakes of others wreck my life like it has done to my sisters, stacey has jamie, I have Skylar and falling apart infront of us all and still she has two beautiful girls fighting over her, personally...I hope she choose's Jessica.

*Jessica's P.O.V*

"Right I'm done its you're turn"Sasha said frightening me at the sudden noise, I tried to ignore the fact she was standing infront of me with only a towel wrapped round her. 

I want my pack and i want my mate Back!Where stories live. Discover now