Chapter 9. This is what i have been waiting for.

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*Jessica's p.o.v*

how could i not notice this? how could i just let him pretend to be sasha without me even noticing?. i notice things but i ignored them i ignored the ovbious how stupid am i.

*Conner's p.o.v*

nicole has a plan, or so she said, trusting her is hard but i need sasha back she's my bestfriend i should have paid more attention, i should have noticed the differences. But now its too late and everything is changing again without her in our lives its like everything has stopped working. I'm going to get her back no matter what.

"dont feel to bad about it, none of this is your fault."nicole's voice sounded behind me making me turn to face her.

"yes it is, i was supposed to protect her and i didnt even notice she was gone for however long it has been, she could be dead, they all could be."i told her my voice cracking;

"they aren't dead, stacey is weak, scott is losing hope but they aren't dead."she left out a name.

"what about sasha? you never mentioned her name?."

"conner, you have to understand that alot of time has past and decisions have been made, battle lines draw and alot of innocent blood spilled,...sasha is the cause of most of it all. she isnt the same, she is switching it off she doesnt have you there to correct her, to keep her going keep her alive."

"how do you know all of this?"

"the same way she knows jess has broken the bond between them, basically cheated on her. After she killed me and i came back i've had these...powers. i can see through others eyes, read minds if i try hard enough and thats about it so far. she also has these powers but are keeping some of them a secret from her...'friends'"

"she hurt after that you know...when she killed you, she killed a part of herself that day too..."i told nicole. but something else was bugging me. "if they are her friends she wouldnt hide anything unless she was planning something."i spoke outloud but mostly to myself.

"i know, i saw her after it, she forgave me but she never forgave herself not really...she is hiding something, something big even i dont know what it is, i just hope for everyones sake...its the good decision." nicole explain looking concerned. nicole, was back to being nicole. the one that sasha fell in love with and to be honest i missed this nicole.

"nicole...if-when we get her back, you said the bond between jessica and sasha is broken, so who will become her mate? you or jessica?"i spoke slowly while trying to figure it out in my head.

"to be honest conner...i really dont know. i think its up to sasha to decide, we have both hurt her equally so i wouldnt blame her if she rejected us both."nicole said looking out in the distance. "well i suppose we better go back inside, there is alot of explaining to do." she turned her back and started walking into the house sighing i followed closely behind her.

"what the hell connor?!"carly shouts as soon as i step inside. i look at her trying to decide how to answer her.

"we are going on a road trip, who's coming?"nicole speaks before i can answer her.

"road trip where exactly?"taylor spoke carefully.

"to the dark realm and you taylor dont have a choice because you know more about the dark realm than any of us because your father was once a gate keeper of the dark realm, pack your things because we leave at midnight."nicole speaks clearly, and no one was going to disagree.

I want my pack and i want my mate Back!Where stories live. Discover now