chapter 6 what have i done?

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Warning girlxgirl sex scene just a little warning ;)

oh and sorry if its rubbish im usless at writing them. :D thanks for reading



*Stacey's p.o.v*

"yes i do! im not going to kill an innocent human scott"sasha shouts at scott grabing her side in pain. i see scott glaring at her through the bars.

"you will fight and you will win. you owe it to me to stay alive"he growled at her. i looked at his in disbelieve. he was ment to protect humans not set his sister on them. i didnt relish the idea of my sister killing but i watched as she killed. but that was rouge wolfs and vampires not actual humans. humans were a different story.

"you cant make her do this"i say to scott he switches his glare to me. "i just

found out that my

sister who i saw get ripped apart and die has been ressurected for like seven months? im trying to think positively about her and if she fights a human she will kill them and be a murderer scott"

"would you rather a human killed her?"he asked flatly"because if she doesnt fight thats exactly whats going to happen. and i wont allow that to happen"

"how are you going to stop it? your stuck in a fucking kennel with iron chains and bars your screwed we are going to die anyway atleast she doesnt have to suffer...again"i snap at him.

"he's right!"sasha snaps out her dream. "if i dont do this we all die. they are asking me to do this not you. if i refuse i have a funny feeling that out of the three of us im not going to be the one to die"she says staring at the damp wall in front of her cell.

"sasha you cant be seri-"i start trying to talk her out of it.

"enough! she has made her decision. whatever human is out there with her tonight will die at

her hands. and she will come back to us alive. thats all that matters now."scott tells me flatly. his eyes daring me to question him again but i dont. instead i look at sasha to see if she has anything to say that will help me. but she's got her head lowered looking at the ground studying it very carefully.

this isnt right. she's my baby sister she shouldnt have to kill. wolves vampires or humans. when we were away for the three years. when she ran away from jessica i watched as she stood beside scott and killed wolves and vampires. i watched as her hunger for blood grew and her humanity faded. and now i know that if she kills humans what humanity she has left...will fade and die and she will be left with nothing but a cold heart lusting for blood and death just

*Jessica's p.o.v*

tonight was strange. it was nice having sasha back but she seemed...different. she was doing things that she doesnt usually do like playing with my hair. or poking at her stomache. or

smiling sasha almost never smiles. i know im a bad mate but its true. and the smell of bleach was still on her and hurting my nose. i wanted to say something but i was trying not to be rude.

"hey baby what are you hiding in the kitchen for?"sasha says wrapping her arms round my waist. theres another thing she never ever calls me baby i know she hates it when people say that. sasha's not the only one acting weird. scotts also being weird. his moodswings are terrible he can be saying one sentence and by the end he's shouting or growling. even when it comes to skylar he is being...unpredictable. its like sasha's overly friendly and scotts overly angry.

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