chapter 5 you have no choice!

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*Sasha's p.o.v*

i watched as jess fell to her knees clutching her head...she was remembering. the pack stepped forwards but as they got closer they grabbed their heads falling to their knees they were all remembering.

"whats happening to them?"conner asks scared

"they are remembering jess must have held the trigger if she could remember so could they"scott said dazed as he watched them

"whoa what happens now if they could die"conner starts to freak out.

"then i'll die loving her"

"what was the point in me remembering if your just going to die again?!"jess said making me look back at her she was standing again i saw her raise her hand bringing it down colliding with my face as i passed out...

"one thing! the one rule i set and you threw it to the side"his voice came from behind me i turned round slowly.

"i stayed away from her...she came to me. i followed your pathetic rule"i answered coldly

"dont get smart salvatore! you were supposed to leave and never look back at her and now you will suffer the consequences"he snapped at me

"consequences? oh no please please dont punish me i wont do it again."i beg him "please...your so pathetic you remind me so much of my father...ignorant,fake,selfish...evil"i laugh at him making his smirk fade. "your daughter came looking for me, she still loved me without knowing who iam and when she found out whoo her heart nearly burst...tell me did she love you as much as she loves me?"i saw his hand twitch " thats what this is about? your jealous because she's not your little girl any more...she's mine and she loves me and i love her more than you ever could-"he threw a punch landing on my jaw knocking me onto the floor i look up at him and laugh "is that it?"

"no...when you die which will be very soon you will be forced to wonder the underworld will the rest of the damned souls and your father. you will never get an afterlife. you will never get to love. you will never get jessica again and when the time comes for you to die she wont want to see you. infact...she might just be the one to kill you."

"she would never do that! she could never hurt me like that"i say getting to my feet.

"are you sure about that...she did just knock you out. imagine what she'll do after you reck her life with your reckless irresponsible ways and your lies...just like the rest of the salvatore bloodline"

"please...if thats what your believe your crazier than i thought. i would never hurt her. and im nothing like that"

"you already have. you left her then came back and left her again and now your back. she wont trust you again we both know that. you will die at her hands and be left to wander the underworld for eternity your body pushing you to feed on the souls and the evil inside you growing and your heart growing cold the only thing keeping it warm now is your love for her but soon you'll grow to hate her the way she hates you and when that time comes your soul will burn"he smiles at me "i'll give you one month to leave her again or your wolf will turn into a hellhound and you'll be stuck on earth destroying it unless she kills you first and sends you to hell"he says fading away.


"you knocked her out way to show her you missed her!"i hear someone shout

"i didnt even hit her hard i slapped her last time i checked it took someone to rip her throat out to actually kill her"another voice shouted back...jessica.

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