chapter 12 at least one good thing.

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*Sasha's P.O.V* 

Having almost the entire pack show up was a shock, even Nicole was there and so was..Jessica. I was surprised but then the anger got the better of me and when Connor started talking to me about being here to help it just made things worse, I have survived this long without them what makes them think i need their help now.

They will only slow us down it was hard enough trying to look out for, Derek,Scott and Stacey now we have to look out for; Nicole and the rest of the 9 wolves, i did wonder where Katelyn was though. 

"So I'm guessing that the Royals are after you because of your little escape plan which I'm guessing didn't go to plan since you're here and your not supposed to be?"Nicole spoke bringing me out my day dream. 

"yeah how did you know?,"i asked her curious

"Well since you killed me and i'm going to assume you got me brought back, i have these weird power's and i can see through other people's eye's i've been watching you carefully and since i used to be you're mate I know how you act. You were letting you're brother and sister escape and you were just going to suffer but it didn't matter aslong as they got away but they had other plans and here you are"Nicole explained swinging here arms side to side seeming very pleased with herself.

"Well you can thank me later for getting your life back."i told her sarcastically 

"What makes you think you'll have a later?"Nicole whispered harshly. i glared at her. "We both know the poison is spreading and we both know the only reason you're still walking is you're adrenaline the minute your anger dies will you. you don't have forever"she whispers

"but i have long enough to get you and my family out of here."I whisper back. 

"what about the rest of the pack, what about..Your mate."Nicole questions

"which one? oh wait i don't have one."i snarl at her. 

"You will have to choose eventually, choose her or...Me. or reject us both and move on in you're life with about a 1% chance that you have a 3rd mate out there."Nicole tells me softly.

"To be honest with you, I think I'm done with the whole mate thing anyway, I mean all of you have either lied, cheated, or tried to kill me or actually got me killed for none other than the reason than your all just evil bitches."I told her harshly  

"So you'd rather be alone?"Nicole ask's surprised. 

"You know what, i think that's exactly what i want. if i live through this and find a cure, and get out of this place, the first thing I'm doing is standing down from alpha handing it to Stacey who quite frankly i think deserves it after all this. and then I'm leaving. ALONE."I growl loud enough that the entire pack hear's me. nicole pulls us both to a stop staring at me shocked. 

"you cant just leave."Connor butts in. 

"yes i can, i can do what i like, so from now on if you have any concerns talk to Stacey she will be you're new alpha after me. I'm done."i growl turning away to glare at Jessica "With everything and everyone."i snarl hoping she gets the message. 

"And if i refuse to become alpha?"Stacey ask's quietly

"you wont. Being alpha is all you have ever wanted but never got. and if you should refuse I'm sure scott wont. jealousy is a powerful thing sister you know that well enough"i tell her shrugging my shoulders. 

"you're serious about this?"Nicole jumps in again. 

"never been so serious about anything."i growled. 

I want my pack and i want my mate Back!Where stories live. Discover now