I want my pack and i want my mate Back!

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*Sasha's p.o.v*


conner!!"i scream he comes running down the stairs

"what the hell your dead i was at the primary i dont understand whats happening?!"conner rushes out

"i made a deal with jessica's dad to turn back time only me and you remember what happened im not allowed to mate with jessica but you need to go mate with carly and i need to leave before they know im here"

"your leaving me again? but i just got you back"conner looks like he is going to cry again

"conner im alive isnt that all that matters? you need to go get your mate and love her dont let her go whatever you do dont worry i wont be far from you"

"what about jess? or scott and skylar? stacey and jamie? what about all of them they lost mates too"

"they dont know they excist they havent lost anything but im going to fix it"

"sasha..."conner looks broken i hug him

"i know...i love you too iv still got my powers i can still talk to you...now get to school your 15 again remember but you cant even mention my name i wont be here when you get back im sorry conner" i step back he nods picking his bag up he walks away.

"bye sasha"his voice breaks at the end

"goodbye conner"i say as he walks out the door.

*Jessica's p.o.v*

ever since i woke up i feel like somethings missing like there is something iv forgot that i need...its confusing. but everytime i think about it its blank and i get a pain in my chest i really dont understand.

"jess you okay?"claires voices breaks into my thoughts

"yeah im just distracted thats all second school this year"i tell her

"i know how you feel"she mutters.

"well ladies if you would like to follow me this way we will get you an escort to show you around"the headmaster mr.wilson tells us i got this feeling that something was supposed to happen like there was something missing again. but nothing came as a boy with curly brown hair walked up to us...he's a werewolf.

"uh hello im conner your claire kaitelyn bella sadie taylor emma becca skylar carly and jess"he spoke to us as if he already knew us

"how do you-"

"we are mates"carly blurts out beside me we all look at her shocked

"yes iam"he nods

"how do you know our names?"i ask again he looks round nervously

"uh...mr.wilson told me"he lied but i left it for now. i looked at him closely a picture of us standing together laughing flashes through my mind

"jessica are you alright?"claire asks me worried

"yeah i-i just...have we met before?"i look at conner he shifts his weight nervously again his heart speds up

"no iv been here my entire life and if you just moved here then no we havent"he mumbles "uh i should show you around"he walks round us carly bounces at his side.

"you sure your okay?"claire whispers in my ear as we follow i nod 'what the hell was that and why is he lying'

*Conner's p.o.v*

i walked them all to class until i was left with jess i couldnt help but wonder what happened in the hallway and then she asked if we knew each other...it was weird it was like she was remembering things or flashes atleast

"your such a shit liar have you ever thought of that?"sasha's voice snips in my head

"bitch"i mutter forgeting jess

"what did you just call me?"jess growls

"no i uh wasnt calling you it i-i"i couldnt think of anything

"you were listening to a conversations and someone took the piss out you"sasha suggest

"i was listening to something and they dissed me"

"oh right...you know you suck at lying right?"jess says casually

"i dont know what your talking about"my back smacks off the wall as jess pins me

"look ever since i woke up somethings missing then you turn up and keep getting flashes of us together in my house at the beach in the forrest and i keep doing things that i couldnt do yesterday but suddenly they are natural so tell me what the fuck you done?!"she growls at me

"lie" "how? she knows when im lying" "fine tell her the truth see what happens to me"

"i dont know what yur talking about just cause your life is a bit fucked up doesnt mean it has anything to do with me now get off!"i snap pushing her back she looks at me shocked

"im sorry i just cant help feel like...somethings missing and its connected you"jess looks away but i could still see the sadness in her eyes.

"im sorry...but i cant help you...this is your class"i turn round walking away

*back home*

"what are you doing back your supposed to be a school"sasha snaps as i walk in

"i dont think i can do this"i tell her she kicks her bag to the side

"do what conner?"she growls

"lie to them lie to jess you didnt see the look in her eyes...she says she is missing something but she cant think what...do you know what she's missing cause i do"

"how do you think i feel she is my mate the mate that i remember everything about! i remember our first kiss the first time i told her i love her our first time when i marked her and she marked me! i remember the look on her face as i died! i remember our last kiss! im sorry if you think this is hard on you but its a thousand times harder for me!"she shouted i wouldnt be surprised if they heard her at school .

"im sorry i just didnt think of it that way"

"ofcourse you didnt because you have a mate!"she shouts we stand there staring at each other for about 5 minutes before she breaths out"im sorry okay...look you need to go to school carly will be waiting...scott will be going to their house to get skylar i told him not mention me...he doesnt remember either now im leaving"she picks up her bags

"your leaving just like that?"

"yes i was about to leave when you barged in...now look after my house bitch"she gives me one last hug walking out the door.

"wait where are you going?"

"i think it would be better not to tell you i'll see you around conner"

"bye" she walks out across the road into the forrest...'will i ever see her again?'


so chapter 1 :)

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