CHAPTER 2 i wish she would remember!

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*Jessica's p.o.v*

a week has past and i still have that feeling like somethings missing. there is something pulling at me to remember like its important but everytime i try i just get pains through my head and flashes of things that have never happened. conner is still acting weird everytime i get flashes he looks worried. i know ths is somehow connected to him...if i could just remember.

"so what happened to the other wolf that lived here with you?"becca asks conner

"uh she eh left the day before you uh came here"conner wrapped his arm round carly refusing to look at anyone.

"why did she leave conner?"i ask him curiously

"family issues she uh lost someone close to her so she was forced to leave"he was telling the truth for once.

"aww thats so sad...will she be coming back?" carly asks

"uh no...i dont think she will be"conner blinked fast to stop the tears from escaping his eyes. who ever this person was he cared for her and missed image of his hugging someone flashed through my mind...i didnt see the persons face but they had short black hair and was about 6"2 another image flashed through of me and the same person at the beach but again i couldnt see the persons face. the pain in my chest grew. i couldnt see there face but i felt something for them i cared for them.

"jess? whats wrong is it happening again?"taylor put her hand on my back trying to comfort me.

"im fine just a head ache"i say rubbing my head.

Knock Knock

"oh i'll get it!"bella shouts bouncing to the door "um can i help you?"

"yes im here to see conner and...skylar?"a hard voice asks her

"oh um come in...conner! its for you"bella shouts as a boy steps in about 6 foot something black hair and needed to shave...he looked like the person from my...visions? but i didnt feel the pull towards him like i did the other person but he did seem fimilar as he walked into the living room beside us.

"scott"conner says going to stand beside him.

"do you know what this is all about? i dont want to be here"the boy who im asuming is scott whispered to conner i struggled to hear him so i doubt anybody else heard.

"you'll understand soon"conner whispered back "well we should get introductions um everybody...this is my friend scott.scott this is carly my mate um claire the alpha jessica second in command.emma kaitelyn,taylor,bella,sadie,becca and...skylar." scott looked at us all noding but stopped at skylar staring at her his eyes twinkled slight as they stepped forwards they kissed

"aww" "thats so cute" "this is such a good week" "im glad we came here" everybody started saying but something didnt add up. he asked for skylar before her even knew she excisted and he was here to see conner because someone sent him here it just wasnt right.

"okay you two get a room your going to make me puke"taylor grumped

"um sorry im just glad i finally for her"scott smiles at her

"so...scott what brings you here?"i ask him

"im here to see conner...just a friendly visit just passing through but looks like i'll be staying for a while"

"oh will you be going to school with us then?"

"uh no im abit old for school now"he laughs lightly

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