chapter 4 remember.

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i walk back into the house walking straight up to claire she turned round glaring at me.

"im not going with you and you cant make me leave"i growl at her.

"i can make you do anything i want im alpha remember...and you WILL leave with me tonight"claires command made me step back my head lowering to her command...i dont want this this isnt right i shouldnt have to follow her. my head snapped up.

"i will not follow you anywhere!"

i snarled claire fell to her knees her head completly lowered...i dont know what happened i just...snapped and something changed i felt...stronger, different and now claire was on her knees in front of me.

"what did you do?" claire ask finally able to stand

"i-i-i dont know"i stuttered out confused.

"i should have to bow to you. im alpha not you!"i could hear the alpha command in her voice but it wasnt touching me. it wasnt making me bow my head or step back it was just rolling straight off me.

"well things change!"i growled at her. her head droping down again.

"whats going on?"taylor asks running down the stairs the pack behind her.

"ask her" claire points at me the pack look at me waiting for an answer an answer i couldnt give them.

"i dont know ok i dont know what happened all i know is that im not leaving here. and im not following you anymore."i snarl the last part at claire.

"i still dont understand"bella shook her head

"...she's an alpha. jess is an alpha she has made her decision"scott said looking thoughtful.

"how is that even possible?"taylor asked turning to scott who glanced at conner who shook his head slightly.

"its...not exactly impossible but...jess has felt so strong about not leaving and not wanting to follow commands anymore because it doesnt feel right that...something changed and she's now an alpha."scott explain but he was keeping something from us.

"no shit!"claire growled."well i dont care about her everyone go finish packing we are leaving soon"every one started turning but taylor bella and sadie looked at me before looking at claire as if they were deciding something.

"im not leaving"taylor told claire

"you dont have a choice in this"claire growled

"yes i do...i choose jess" i suddenly felt stronger again and i saw taylor shudder. "im part of her pack now"

"your choosing her over me?"claire asked skeptically

"yes! because she's not making us do things we dont want to do! she's not making us leave or making us follow her with our heads bowed or using her command when she doesnt get something she wants...and she's not been making us search the woods for the black wolf so you can kill it" a growl ripped through my throat at this making claire back away.

"you were going to kill her? were going to hunt her down and kill her? just because she means more to me than you! sasha doesnt de-"i stopped when i realise i'd finally said her name...sasha.i saw scott and conner look at each other shocked before looking back at me with worry in they'er eyes . they were hiding something and it had something to do with sasha.

"yes she does! she took you from me. you were mine and she stole you and she wont even look at you!"claire shouts at me.

"i dont belong to anyone and i certainly dont belong to you!"i shout back

I want my pack and i want my mate Back!Where stories live. Discover now