chapter 13 it's not over.

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*Nicole's P.O.V*

I walked towards home my mind trying to figure everything out, Sasha wouldn't just give up not like that, she had to have had a plan..something.

"your over thinking her death, you will drive yourself crazy doing that let your mind go clear until we get home it's what she wanted"Derek told me

"you don't seem all to upset with her death are you?"i question him

"that's because i promised Sasha i would get you all home safely"Derek told me the same thing he had told everybody "you may not trust me but Sasha did, so please just let me get you home safely?"

"fine"i growl but that didn't explain why Jessica wasn't that upset either, i stopped walking for a second..this was Sasha, Jessica was her mate like me so if Sasha was dead she would have to be going through hell like me, but she wasn't which meant something was going on that nobody was supposed to know.."I'll drop it, just because i know it must be important to Sasha"i nod to Derek

"thank you."he says simply before walking away beside Jessica.

"how you holding up?"Connor ask's popping up beside me Carly attached to his hand, his eyes red from crying.

"I'm good, but you are you Connor?"i ask him knowing this must be hard for him.

"I'm..holding together, we need to get out this hell before i can properly process this i just hope we don't run into anymore..things."Connor tell's me. he was smiling slightly but i could see it in his eyes, they were just so full of pain that I almost felt his pain just by looking but i had my own pain to deal with. "do you think that if she had two would get back together when we got home?"Connor ask's quietly Carly tugs on his arm giving him a warning.

"honestly Connor..I don't know and i guess we will never know who she would have chosen."i said looking away as tears threaten to come.

"She choose you, you were always the one for her it just took her a while to realize"Jessica's voice joined our conversation. "She loved..You."

"But she loved you too so don't forget that."i tell her, after being here with her an ever thing that has happened..Jessica has kind of grown on me, i can tell why Sasha loved her and would die to protect her.

"thank you, and to think i used to think you were a bitch."Jessica smiled at me kindly.

"that's because i was a bitch"i laughed slightly we had all stopped just standing in a circle not saying anything just looking at each other appreciating each others company.

"we are going to make it out of here right?"Bella ask's quietly

"of course we are."Taylor tells her firmly.

"well then we better get moving they aren't far behind, but Sasha had friend's so it's taking them longer to find us because they are distracting them."Derek tells us.

"friends? what kind of friends?"

"a shape-shifter and a succubus."Derek states simply.

"do they know she is dead?"i ask him

"yes, but they will help us anyway because they know that is what Sasha would have wanted. they loved her just like you do"Derek tells me putting a hand on my shoulder.

"so she was sleeping with them..what a hypocrite"Jess breaths out

"she only done it to get back at you."Scott told us all automatically defending his sister.

"guy's we really need to get going we will have company soon if we don't, just like the lycans."Derek informs us walking away, we all follow behind him when something caught my attention..Sasha's scent was here..but she hadn't made it this far..weird.

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