001, other friends

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Today, Beach City was just as beautiful and peaceful as ever.

No longer were there corrupted gems that threatened the lives of innocents, and no longer did Steven, nor the rest of the gems, have to worry about any threat looming over their heads; waiting to strike at any moment. It was a nice feeling, to say the least, and Steven wouldn't change it for the world.

"I want everything to stay exactly like this, and never change," Steven said, voicing his thoughts out loud for the rest of the gems to hear as they all lay comfortably in the grass.

"Agreed," Pearl said, swinging her legs back and forth whilst she laid on her belly.

"Hear, hear!" Amethyst added, resting her hands behind her head.

Smiling happily, Steven turned his head to one of the taller Crystal Gems. "How's the future look, Garnet?" the hybrid asked, chuckling at the end of his question. "Do we all stay just like this forever?"

Smirking, Garnet looked up towards the beautiful sky and readjusted her visors; taking a quick look into the future.

Her smirk was gone as soon as it had come.


Steven blinked, surprised. "Huh?"

That's when the breeze suddenly picked up, causing the yellow flower that sat carefully in the teenager's hand to slip out of his grasp and fly off with the growing winds.

Everyone instantly sat up from their resting position on the floor, eyes wide as a large shadow slowly began to cast itself over them, making them all quickly look up to see the once white, fluffy clouds that went peacefully about the blue skies were now a dark, menacing gray; swirling and twisting around before breaking apart to reveal a machine of metal and glass slowly descending towards the Earth.

The machine — with a pink liquid flowing and splashing about inside of it — soon came to an eventual stop; hovering above the Crystal Gems threateningly as it slowly tilted to the side.

And then, the silhouette of something — someone — appeared, standing on the top of the mysterious machine.

"I assume you're Steven Universe?" Their voice held a polite yet aggressive tone to it, and it sounded feminine.

Steven gulped, sweat trekking down his face as he looked down and held his hands behind his back. "Um," Steven hesitated, nervous, "Yes?"

From atop the machine, the silhouette smirked. "Perfect."

Suddenly, a source of light emitted from behind the silhouette, and as it did, Steven swore he caught a glimpse of a pair of (E/c) eyes before they were once again hidden away by the shadows provided by the clouds above.

The Crystal Gems all narrowed their eyes, wondering what object the figure now held in their grasp. Their questions were answered quickly, however, when the sound of a beautiful melody provided by a violin played about the dark skies.

Though as threatening as this stranger may come off to be, Steven still couldn't help but smile slightly at their playing. It reminded him of the past, so to say: when him and Connie were both innocent kids, singing and playing together in the temple as Jam Buds.

But unfortunately, Steven couldn't admire the beautiful melody that filled his ears for long, because it was soon proven to him that the term, "My bark is worse than my bite," applied to this new character when the bottom of their machine suddenly shifted into that of a drill.

Steven's eyes widened, and he suddenly felt as if he couldn't breathe anymore.

(What was that about 'Happily Ever After', again?)

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