002, aren't you the lucky one

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"My, would you look at that?" Giggling out of amusement, the gem with (E/c) eyes and (H/c) locks of hair gently kicks away the sapphire that had landed at her feet, and she looks up to see Steven staring at her (well, mainly the gems that had fallen to the ground) in astonishment.

This time, the gem snickers. "Well, they went out rather quickly, didn't they?" she asks, mocking the teenage hybrid before her with a cheshire-like smile on her face.

And with that, Steven finally snaps.

Standing up, Steven's brows furrow and his eyes narrow into a stern glare as he summons his shield. "That's enough!"

"Oh?" Batting her lashes innocently, the gem tilts her head to the side and rests her scythe across her shoulders. "Do you miss your friends already, dove? Because if so . . ."

Suddenly, a wide grin takes over her features, and an unhinged look flashes through her eyes.

"You're right behind 'em!"

Opening her wings, the gem gives them a flap and pushes herself forward and brings her scythe down through Steven's body; shattering his shield in the process and making the boy buzz as something began to course through his veins.

But then, the buzzing feeling stops. Steven looks over himself; inspecting his body for any wounds, which he doesn't find.

"Ha-Ha-HA!" The gem-hybrid places his hands on his hips and smirks confidently. "That was nothing!"

In response, the gem snickers once more, leaning against the scythe as she twirled a strand of her hair around one of her fingers.

"Oh, really?" Steven feels a bead of sweat crawl down his face at her tone. "Then I suppose you wouldn't mind if I did it again, right?"

Steven isn't given the chance to respond. Before he can do anything, the blade of the scythe the gem carries heavily in her hands is being swung through his body over and over again; one swing after another, each one making him wince as the buzzing feeling from before makes its way into his veins once again and, unknowingly, into his own gem, too.

"UGH!" Clenching his teeth together, Steven moves fast and quickly takes ahold of the scythe as well; thankfully bringing a stop to the gem's swinging, though her laughter is another story.

"Cut it out!" Steven growls, finally seeing the gem eye-to-eye.

The gem giggles, almost childishly, and then she suddenly leans forward — almost to the point where hers and Steven's foreheads are touching, much to the hybrid's surprise.

"You don't poof, do you?" The gem hums, tilting her head to the side curiously with a smug look. "Hm. I figured as much, though it's not like it matters. After all . . ."

The wild look from before returns to her eyes, and she offers Steven a cheshire-like grin once again.

"It's not like your human half will stand a chance against my injector, anyway. Especially after what I just did to your gem~"

Steven growls again and his eyes narrow with his furrowed brows. "What are you talking about?!" he snaps, growing even more aggravated for every second that passed by.

The gem — with Steven distracted — giggles and brings a hand behind her back stealthily. A low glow illuminates from the butterfly-shaped gem in her back, and soon, a (F/c) bubble holding something heart-shaped protectively inside of it drops into her hand.

"You weren't always a powerful hero, now were you?"

And with that, she releases her hold on the scythe, and just when Steven's about to bring it down onto her, she pops the bubble holding the gem in her hand and shapeshifts into something small before disappearing; leaving the pink gem behind.

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