𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐈𝐈, prologue

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(Y/n) really should have known better than to assume that she would ever have a moment of peace and quiet with Spinel around.

"(Y/N)!" Spinel spun a circle around the mariposa gem in a cartwheel. "(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)!!" she chanted.

The gem gave no reaction to Spinel's sudden burst of energy, for why would she when she was already used to such moments like this? Instead, she merely remained in her seat and continued to sip her tea delicately from her cup while she looked out into the bustling streets of Homeworld below from her balcony. She found it almost funny, honestly, seeing gems go about their days in utter chaos when anything other than order was punished for over thousands of years ago. To think that staying in that garden could have resulted in her and Spinel missing so much . . .

Speaking of Spinel, though─

"(Y/N)!!" Said gem only blinked when her companion of 6,000 years abruptly appeared before her eyes. "ARE YA LISTENING TO ME?!" she questioned.

Sighing, (Y/n) finally resigned herself to the fate of participating in conversation and set her cup down into its saucer. "You intend to visit Steven on Earth," she stated.

Spinel beamed and nodded, placing her hands on her hips and puffing her chest out. "That's right!" she confirmed.

(Y/n) stared at her blankly. "And you want me to go with you," she added.

Spinel, once again, nodded and grinned widely at the mariposa gem. "Yes, yes, YES!" She suddenly dropped to her knees and clasped her hands together. "Please come with me! Pretty please!" she begged, puppy dog eyes on full display.

(Y/n) hummed and took another sip of her tea before simply replying: "No."

Spinel groaned loudly and dramatically draped herself across the mariposa's lap. "But I waaaaannnnnt you to be theeeeeerrrrrreeeeeeeee," she whined.

(Y/n), albeit fondly, rolled her (E/c) eyes. "Sorry, Spinel, but I prefer staying here," she said.

Spinel huffed and crossed her arms, a pout playing on her lips. "Is this because of the 'incident'?" she asked, making air quotations with her fingers.

(Y/n) didn't respond and returned her attention to the view of Homeworld.

Spinel groaned again. "It iiiiiiiiisssssssss!"

"People and gems got hurt, Spinel," (Y/n) said, her grip on her cup tightening. "I don't think they'd exactly 'enjoy' my company after what I did─after what I tried to do."

Spinel frowned and shook her head. "Oh, no you don't, missy!" She took (Y/n)'s head in between her hands and forced her to meet her eyes. "You listen here and listen well: coop yourself up in here in your little tower all you want, for however long you want, but that will not make anything any better for you! Steven's already forgiven you months ago, and I'm sure the rest of Beach City has, too! I mean, c'mon: you're not the only gem that's nearly killed them all, remember?" She giggled.

Spinel. Giggling over the fact that (Y/n) was just like any other gem that forced themself into Steven's life in an attempt to ruin it.

The mariposa gem didn't believe it was possible for any and all emotion to leave her face so fast.

"Spinel," she began after a moment, "I hate to say it, but I want you to know that sometimes you say things that concern me greatly."

Spinel rolled her eyes and waved (Y/n)'s comment away with a mere wave of her hand. "Yeah, yeah." She looked back to the mariposa gem and grinned once more, beginning to bounce on her feet. "Pretty please with sugar on top come with me to Earth?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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