009, let us adore you

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Steven's arms were wrapped around your neck loosely as you flew the both of you down towards the decaying Earth below. You cringed slightly at the sight of the damage you had caused, but ensured to return your expression back to its neutral state once Steven lifted his gaze up to look at you.

"So . . ." The hybrid hesitated, looking away for a split second before meeting your eyes again. "What are you going to do now?" he eventually asked.

You hummed, the flapping of your wings behind you growing slower as you found yourself descending closer to the ground. "I don't know," you simply answered after a pause.

"Oh," is all Steven could say in return as you finally sat him onto the ground, the dirt under his sandals crunching underneath him.

"Well . . . if you want, you and Spinel can stay here in Beach City with me and the gems? I could make some calls and maybe sign you both up for therapy?"

You stopped, turning to Steven and raising a brow at his suggestion. "'Therapy'?" you repeated, tilting your head to the side in confusion. "What is that?"

"Oh! Uh . . ." The hybrid chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head, placing his other hand on his hip. "Well . . . therapy is basically just . . . talking to someone about your feelings and letting them help you find out ways to work out your trauma, I guess," he explained, though you noticed that he seemed to have a hard time coming up with the right words.

You hummed again, holding your chin in between your thumb and index finger thoughtfully. "Is that so . . ."


Perking up, both you and the diamond-hybrid instantly noticed the human girl running towards you both, her eyes specifically trained on Steven rather than you as she opened her arms out, most likely wishing for the teenage boy to embrace her.

Steven, as you expected, immediately smiled at the sight of his friend as well, and he quickly ran over to her and caught her in his arms; the two of them laughing as they held eachother, tears in their eyes.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're okay!" the human girl cried out, relief evident in her tone as she buried her face into the crook of Steven's neck.

"Hehe, yeah," Steven chuckled and loosened his hold on the girl, the two of them still holding eachothers forearms as they shared a smile, "I'm glad you're okay too, jam bud."

"STEVEN!!" You have never wanted to sigh so much in your life. Could they all have just come to hug him at the same time? Surely that would make this chapter end a whole lot faster—

"I assume Steven managed to talk you out of it?"

You jumped, head snapping up and (E/c) orbs meeting a pair of three eyes, which stared down at you with a knowing look in them that made you furrow your brow.

"You're the one who has the ability to read the future," you recalled, eyes narrowing, "You knew this would be the outcome to this whole scenario, didn't you?"

The fusion merely chuckled and slipped her visors back on over her eyes, using one of her hands to ruffle up your already messy hair.

"Wha—" You huffed in agitation and swatted Garnet's hand away, already trying to desperately fix your tangled locks. "That doesn't answer my question, fusion!" you snapped.

She laughed this time and shook her head, acting as if she were dealing with but a small child. You huffed once again at this reaction of her's, and just when you were about to voice your frustrations to her a second time, a pink shoe suddenly appeared from right next to you; a shoe that you instantly recognized.

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