003, duckling

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Finding Jasper is turning out to be a lot harder than you thought it'd be.

Sighing to yourself, you fluttered down towards the ground in the middle of the forest until you felt your boots touch the Earth floor. Placing your hands on your hips, you looked around; examining the area boredly.

Steven was taking a rather long time to do anything, wasn't he?

Groaning, you ran a hand through your bangs and pushed them back, before freezing in your place at the sound of something rustling in the bushes behind you.

With your (E/c) orbs narrowing into a dangerous glare, you summoned your violin before having it shift into its other form: a bow 'n arrow. You then whirled around and positioned your weapon; aiming it at whoever was planning to step out.

Needless to say, you had aimed a lot higher than needed in order to hit your target, because even if you had released the arrow made of electricity positioned on your bow, it would have missed your target by a long shot because—

"Ah. It's you."

Lowering your bow, you snickered mockingly at the purple gem that stood a few feet away from you before putting your weapon away.

"Amethyst, right? I must say, that is quite the look for you~" you teased, resisting the urge to fill the skies with your laughter.

The gem, much to your surprise, didn't really give much a reaction to your words, and merely tilted her head to the side; eyeing you curiously.

"Hm?" Crossing your arms, you let a low chuckle escape your lips and tilted your head slightly as well. "I suppose you weren't really much of a talker during your beta days? It's a shame it didn't stay like that," you told, snickering as you turned your back to face the shorter gem.

"Anyways, if you don't mind me, I'll be on my way—"

You were cut off when a pair of arms suddenly wrapped around one of your legs, making you go stiff and look down with wide eyes to see that Amethyst had basically attached herself to you.

You frowned.

"Hey. Off." You shook your leg in an attempt to loosen the purple gem's grip, but nothing happened. In fact, her hold on you seemed to tighten in retaliation, and you grunted; brows furrowing out of annoyance.

"Is this vengeance for you? Holding onto me like this for saying that I wish you'd keep your mouth shut most of the time?" No response. The gem only continued to stare.

Sighing, you pinched the bridge of your nose and placed your other hand on your hip.

"By the Diamonds, I swear—" Cutting yourself off with a growl, you leaned down and slipped your hands under Amethyst's arms and lifted her up into the air in front of you, your expression being that of an unimpressed one as Amethyst once again tilted her head to the side at you curiously.

"Huh." You tilted your head as well, copying her actions as you took in her appearance. "I suppose you're cute . . . in a weird way . . .?"

In response, the smaller gem booped your nose, and you couldn't help but let out a short laugh at the action.

"Why, if I didn't know any better, I'd say that you were a child!" you said, releasing your hold on the purple gem and allowing her to drop to the forest floor in front of you.

"Well, Amethyst, it's been fun, but I have places to be and things to do~" you told, opening your wings up to fly off.

From behind you, Amethyst's eyes sparkled with delight and wonder.

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