006, finally found

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The moment Steven opened his eyes, he discovered that he did not, in fact, know where he was, yet there was still a sense of . . . familiarity in his chest that seemed to linger, yet he hadn't a clue why.

"Where . . . am I?" the boy muttered to himself as he stepped off of the warp pad.

From behind him, Spinel appeared. "The garden," she answered simply, making Steven jump and whirl around at her sudden appearance.

"Spinel . . .!" the hybrid gasped. "The garden? This is really it . . .?" He turned around, eyes wide as he took in the sight of the big and small meteorites that littered the ground, along with the dead plants and crumbling statues that sat idly about the place.

Was this seriously the place he saw from his dream? But . . . it looked so different now! How could it . . .?

Steven was brought out of his thoughts when Spinel suddenly walked passed him, her shoes squeaking lightly as she made her way down the stone stairs.

"Spinel!" Steven followed after the gem and reached an arm out for her, only for him to lower it once the pink gem stopped moving, now standing directly in the center of the once beautiful garden she used to love oh-so much years ago.

"This was our garden, you know," she began, sounding as if she were on the verge of tears due to the cracks in her voice. "A special world . . . built just for me, Pink, and (Y/n) . . ."

{   •°☆°•   }

"On Homeworld, Pink was so lonely and sad, but not here!"

Running over to the floating pillars, Pink came to a stop and looked around for a certain heart-shaped gem; (Y/n) sitting atop the pillar said gem was hiding behind with her wings out as the two giggled.

Noticing (Y/n)'s presence, Pink grinned and looked up to the mariposa and sent her a playful glare, to which (Y/n) laughed at before flying off, just when Pink felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Here, we would play for hours!"

Blinking in surprise, the diamond looked over her shoulder, only to see no one there. Her brows rose in confusion, and she shrugged and turned back around before jumping back in surprise at the sight of Spinel, who had expanded her form to make her have a sillier appearance.

Pink laughed, clutching her stomach and nearly toppling over as tears filled the corners of her eyes.

Spinel could only clasp her hands and smile brightly as she watched, feeling a sense of accomplishment at her diamond's reaction.

{   •°☆°•   }

Standing in front of a fountain, Spinel juggled three bubbles in her hands, a wide grin on her face as both (Y/n) and Pink watched her; (Y/n)'s eyes filled with amazement and Pink's filled with . . . something unreadable.

"Everyday was so much fun!"

When Spinel finally finished juggling, she threw the bubbles up into the air, and they popped one at a time, leaving (Y/n) to laugh and clap her hands in amusement.

Pink, however, only forced a smile as she clapped, before releasing a tired sigh and looking down.

"At least . . ."

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