007, when a difficult day goes by

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"If he finds her, he'll come back here . . . Right?" Amethyst asked anxiously, biting her lower lip as Pearl paced around in front of her.

In the kitchen, Garnet admired a spork.

Yet, as if on cue, Steven suddenly jumped and appeared on the platform in the middle of the stairs, smiling widely as if he had achieved something great.

(Which, I guess you could say he did, considering he just convinced a murderous gem to not consider murder anymore . . . hopefully.)

"Guys!" the hybrid boy called, pumping his fists up into the air. "Guess who's back?"

Immediately, everyone smiled, perking up at Steven's return as their worries washing away.


Chuckling at his family, the boy nodded to them in acknowledgment before looking up the stairs, where two certain gems stood; one of them being more nervous than the other.

"Come on down!" he whispered up to the two encouragingly.

(Y/n) swallowed, nervously fiddling with the ends of her gloves as she looked away from the hybrid, who found himself frowning at the action.

"I don't mean to be rude or anything, but . . . I don't believe that your friends would be very happy to see me," she said, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger.

Steven smiled and took a step forward, holding his hand out to the mariposa for her to take. "We just have to talk to them," he assured, making sure to keep his voice low as to hopefully help (Y/n) calm her nerves a little.

The mariposa bit her lip, turning to Spinel for reassurance.

Spinel only smiled as well and nodded, placing a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder comfortingly before gesturing down to Steven, who still had his hand up, waiting for the (H/c)ette to take it.

(Y/n) pursed her lips, hesitating, before taking a deep breath and giving Steven a firm nod and placing her hand into his own.

The hybrid smiled, nodded back to her, and then carefully guided the mariposa down the stairs; Spinel following the two as they all revealed themselves to the rest of the gems.

Needless to say, their reactions were just as (Y/n) expected them to be.


Summoning her weapon, Pearl positioned herself into an offensive stance as Amethyst shot up from her seat and pulled her whip out; her eyes specifically focused on the gem that Steven had for some reason placed protectively behind him.

And then, Garnet walked up. "Oh, Spinel!" The fusion smiled obliviously and clasped her hands together. "Did you change your hair?"

"Whoa!" Steven held his hands out, attempting to defuse the situation. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! I know this is out of nowhere, but I've talked to (Y/n), and she's not gonna hurt us, okay? In fact, she came here to help!" The teenager turned to the said gem and grinned at her, though it didn't quite reach his eyes.


Slowly, (Y/n) nodded; averting her attention towards the ground and holding her hands in front of herself politely.

"Yes, that is correct." This is the smallest her voice has ever sounded. At least, since Steven first encountered her.

Nodding, Steven's smile seemed to grow slightly, and he returned his attention to the rest of the gems. "See? Everything's chill!"

Just as soon as the poor boy had said that, though, a pink portal suddenly materialized at the front of the house, and Lion — with Connie sitting on top of him, her sword out — jumped through it before coming to a sliding stop, growling threateningly as Connie jumped off of him, flipped through the air, and then landed back down onto the floor; looking around frantically.

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