008, change

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Steven hasn't been this tired in a long time.

Grunting as he dug his nails into the injector, the teenager hauls himself up more and more; inspired by his friends' and family's efforts, and determined to ensure that their faith in him as of now wouldn't all be in vain.

"Hey, you . . ."

Pulling himself up once again, Steven shudders and feels a bead of sweat trail down his face as the nightly breeze rushes through his hair and onto his uncovered skin.

He shivers.

"Show me a solvable problem,

We can get through this,

I'll do the—"

Steven looks up, and his breath gets caught in his throat when his eyes meet with a pair of (E/c) ones up above.

Determination courses through his veins even more now, and he pulls himself up again.

"—hardest part with you . . ."

It's the true . . .

It's the true . . .

It's the true kind of love~

Panting, Steven lets out a pained gasp and stops for a moment, trying to catch his breath as he shuts his eyes tightly at the stinging feeling that suddenly curses through his left arm.

It's the true . . .

The boy gasps, feeling himself slip down before quickly catching himself, his eyes wide with panic and fear.

It's the true . . .

Huffing, Steven forces himself to start climbing once again; ignoring the exhaustion that eats at him and screams in his ears; telling him to just close his eyes and go to sleep.

It's the true kind of love~

Coughing, Steven inhales deeply through his nose and gets ready to pull himself up another time, when a whip suddenly appears out of nowhere and wraps around his uninjured arm.

The boy gasps, surprised, and looks up to see (Y/n) staring down at him with a troubled expression.

It's the true . . .

After a moment of thought, the gem begins to step back, all the while slowly beginning to pull Steven up, shocking the hybrid even more, but also making a wave of relief wash over him as well.

It's the true . . .

It's the true . . .

It's the true kind of love~

Once he was close enough the the edge, Steven uses his free hand and brings himself up; breathing heavily and gasping for air as the whip around his right arm disappears into nothing.

It's the true . . .

Steven attempts to stand up, but his knees buckle under him and he falls to the floor; grunting in pain.

It's the true . . .

The hybrid gasps in pain and slowly opens his eyes to see (Y/n) standing before him, her back turned to him as her hair moves with the rushing winds around them.

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