𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐔𝐃𝐄, a message from a procrastinator

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look who's back, back again aha-

so. hey, guys :) been a while, yeah? just looked at the year i published this book n stuff and man.. i'm really sorry i've made you guys wait so long.

first of all, an explanation: this isn't to excuse the lack of activity for this story, but to explain why i haven't touched it in so long - i was burnt out. and tired. and my interest in steven universe was dying out. plus, school was school. it was all just ... a lot, for me, and i guess you could say the writer in my brain kinda just ... shut down? all the motivation i had - my drive - vanished without a trace and i didn't really know what to do about it so i put this story on hold and hoped that my fixation on su would fire me back up, but ... it didn't. i just. i couldn't find myself sitting down to write just as passionately as i used to, so ... i took a break.

i know i should've said something sooner. i left a message on my announcements board with a couple of other reasons, but i know not everyone saw it and for that i'm sorry. you guys didn't deserve that even though you've been nothing but supportive.

i'm not gonna lie: i was honestly tempted to just discontinue this story a lot of times. i was having a hard time getting my motivation back, and my passion for writing was lowkey starting to dwindle into only a small flame. it upset me a lot, because i felt like i was letting so many people down - and not just with this story, but with every other story i have on this site.

but then, luckily for me (and my lovely readers) i've recently started to binge steven universe again and it all just ... started coming back: the memories, how happy and honored i felt when my stories first started getting attention; i wanted to be that person again, even if her writing left a lot to be desired, she was at least having fun, and i ... i wanna start having fun again, too.

and so, here i am: returning to my roots as the best su x reader writer ever (/j obviously), and i hope that what i have in store for you guys will make you happy :)

now, with all of that said and done, i'm gonna go ahead and answer some questions that some of you left behind a while back, and then you guys can have some incorrect quotes with the "i do adore" cast - as a treat.

* * * * *

How many acts will there be?
- wolfdoggirl64

in total, there will be three acts to this story :)

Will the baby make an appearance? I miss the baby :(
- Syd30nee

yes, lunar will make an appearance again! i won't be saying when, though :]

How and and when will Act II start?
- Nova_Nvm

act ii will start with (y/n) making a decision. as for when, i'm not sure, but i'll hopefully have it finished soon!

1.) What do you have in mind for Act II? I love your story by the way <3
2.) Who will get closer to (Y/n) in Act II? (Besides Spinel, of course) <3
- -louvredea

act ii is going to take place during steven universe: future, which will have plenty of changes to its story with (y/n) in the mix!

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