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warning: a glimpse of nsfw

I twirled my pasta with my fork before feeding it into my mouth. I hummed, resulting Atsumu to move his head up to look at me. "What's wrong? Your food sucks?" he asked. I shook my head with a smile. "No. It's good" I said. "Then?" he quirked an eyebrow. "I think our plan is going great so far. Don't you think the same?" another spoonful pasta was fed into my mouth. I chewed on the slimy noodles quietly and savored the creamy paste. "I think so. He was clearly pissed. I almost got my face ruined" he rolled his eyes. I laughed and put down my fork on the plate. "You know... I think he knows what we did in the gym yesterday" I looked at Atsumu's handsome face. He's so good looking! This is crazy!

Atsumu stopped cutting the fish, eyes meeting mine. He remained silent for a minute before continue chewing on his food, hands moving to slice the fish using the fork and knife. "He said that I looked pretty earlier when we were in class" I continued. "He's right about that though" Atsumu wasn't looking at me yet I knew he was listening to what I was saying. "Then he said... Without the marks" my eyes are now locked on the big guy sitting in front of me. Atsumu looked ay me as well. "What marks?" he asked innocently. I sighed, giving him a are you serious look. "This" I pointed to my neck, rolled my eyes. Atsumu placed down his utensils and laughed. "That's great though. You look extra pretty with my love bites on you" he winked, giggling after.

"You had no idea how many concealer I used just to cover these up" I whined. "You shouldn't have them covered though" he shrugged. I let out a heavy sigh. Can he be more serious. Sometimes it is indeed tiring to handle his annoying ass. "Are you crazy? The whole campus will have their eyes on me if I didn't cover them" I jut out the lower lip of mine, slightly pouting. Atsumu emitted a small laugh, finding me cute with how I acted. "Then I'll be there with you when they're looking. So that they'll know who you belongs to" Atsumu leaned in to wipe off the remain cream paste at the corner of my lip with his thumb. His sudden action got my face turned red. I wasn't ready for that.

"The plan is for Suna, remember?" I reminded him. I placed my chin on my palm, elbow supporting on the table. Atsumu wiped his mouth with the napkin before putting it back on the table. He then locked his eyes on me. His gaze was serious that got me off guard all of a sudden. "You're seriously not going to ask me what's my actual motive behind this plan?" he asked. I gulped. His what? Actual motive? What's that supposed to mean?

"What do you mean?" it was my turn to ask. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Right, this plan is to make Suna feel jealous. But at the same time, it is for my own benefits, y/n" I was confused. For his own benefits? I don't really get the things he's trying to say. Am I being fooled by him like how I did at Suna? "I wanted to be with you, y/n. I didn't dare to approach you in a decent way, knowing you just broke up with Suna" he continued. "Look, I caught Suna cheating behind you earlier before you find out. I talked to him about it. I forced him to tell you the truth about Sakura" my eyes couldn't help but to grow bigger at his words. That means he knew about Suna and Sakura all this time. I avoided his gaze, letting out a heavy sigh. I don't know how to react to the things he said.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. My eyebrows curved, making the sad expression pasted on my face. Atsumu reached to hold both of my small hands. He swallowed, "I want to but I didn't because I don't want to ruin your relationship with Suna. Even though I've been keeping feelings for you since the first day I met you but still, Suna is my best friend and I don't want to break the friendship I have with him" he explained. I stared into his eyes. Again, his eyes didn't lie. It was the truth. "That's why I forced him to tell you so that he will stop using you. It pains me seeing you get played by him" he held my hands tighter. I could feel his warmth.

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