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warning: violence, cursing, vulgar words


I closed the door behind me, tossing my things to the floor, and sloppily slipped my shoes off before making my way towards my bed. I didn't feel bothered to even switch on the lights and AC. I sat down on my bed and reached for my phone from my pocket. The face of y/n was the first thing that I saw and I felt an ache coming from my heart.

No words needed, I missed her so much. It's indescribable. I unlocked my phone and dialed y/n's number, hoping she would pick up my call this time.

"The person you are trying to reach is not available. Please try again later" it's to no avail.

Again, I couldn't reach her. I threw my phone to the side and buried my face in my hands.

Silence. Emptiness. Dullness. Those are what I felt.

"What is it that I'm lacking? Do you hate me that much? Did you fell out of love with me?"

" Please... Atsumu... It hurts. It hurt so much"

The words she uttered the other day played in my mind, resulting my tears rolling down on my cheeks. Her voice was still clear inside of my head, and I can picture see how disappointed she was. Her eyes were red, puffy, and swollen. And it's because of crying, worst, she cried because of me. I pulled the plastic under my bed, grabbing a bottle of beer out from it. I opened the bottle by force, drinking the alcohol impatiently while my tears were still running.

I stood up, hand was still holding the bottle, and I made my way towards my wardrobe and took out y/n's favorite t-shirt that she usually wears to sleep. It was a white t-shirt with a little heart embroidered on the right side. I smelled the t-shirt, it smelled just like her. As if she was here with me.

My hand grasped on her t-shirt tight, scenting it. "I miss you, y/n. I really do..." my body glided down and I slowly sat on the floor with my back leaning against the wardrobe.

"You're not lacking at all and I don't hate you. More like, I could never. I've never fallen out of love with you, y/n. I can't do that even if I try. I love you way too much that it still pains me. I just wished you could listen and give me another chance. One last chance. I won't let it go waste, I swear. Please..." I sobbed on her t-shirt. "Please, come back... I'm begging you..."



"Osamu?" a girl voice called my name from behind and so I turned. Sakura.

"It's been a while" she said with a smile. Her finger tucked her hair behind the ear. "It is" I said awkwardly. Sakura and I weren't that close even though she was an ex-girlfriend of Suna. She was bubbly but I found her hard to mingle around, unlike y/n. That's what I thought. She was looking at me and that made me feel so awkward. Suna wasn't there either.

"Are you looking for Suna? I can call..." she cut me off. "No! I'm not looking for him" she said. She sounded anxious when I mentioned Suna's name. "Please don't tell him that I'm here. I was just taking my drop-out documents and this meeting was so unplanned" she explained. "Wait, drop-out documents?" I quirked an eyebrow. She hummed and nodded her head, "Yeah, I'm dropping out of college" she said. "But why?" I asked curiously. I didn't mean to be nosy but it did come to my curiosity. "It's sort of a long story" she faked a smile and I could detect that.

"Hm, I should be going now before Suna saw me" she chuckled. She was about to leave so I tugged on her blouse to stop her. "Can we have some drinks and talk for a while" I offered. She was hesitate for the first few minutes, head moving to look around us, and hummed quietly. "Fine, but please... Not somewhere near here" she said.

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