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"Suna" I looked at the black-haired boy who was warming up next to me. He hummed, turning his head in my direction. "Have you ever bumped into Akari at our faculty?" I asked. I was actually quite curious. I couldn't stop thinking about the reason why Akari kept coming to our faculty. Every single day. "No, why?" he stretched his arms. "I've been seeing here at our faculty for the past days. She came every day as if she's seeing someone from our faculty" my forehead crumpled. I know I'm not the kind of person who likes to be nosy but knowing that Akari was one of the reasons why Atsumu and y/n fought, I just couldn't stay still. "She's seeing Atsumu?" Suna asked, snapping me out from my thoughts. "At first I thought she's going for Atsumu but the other day, she saw them walking out from the building but she just walked away" Suna hummed, knitting his eyebrows together. "That's weird. I don't think she's hooked up with any of the members" Suna settled down on the empty seat next to me. "You're right" I hummed. "Also, Atsumu told me you've been seeing someone. Is it Akari?" I quirked an eyebrow while plastering a playful smirk. "Haha, nice try" Suna rolled his eyes. "Well, it's just I kinda hooked up with my doctor" that had me surprised honestly. "Doctor? Are you sick or something?" I asked.

"Nah. She's just my health advisor. I just started dieting and she happened to be my advisor. That's why I keep seeing her after class" he explained. "Ahh... You got her laid?" I scoffed, trying not to burst from laughing. Suna gave me a glare, "Shut up... Well, once" Suna let out a soft laugh. "Go ask her out" I nudged his side. I could see that Suna's the type who's into the elder woman. His last girlfriend was a year older than him though. "She's three years older. I can't do that" he shook his head. He gets up from his seat, walking to reach the ball from the basket. "Why not? You should at least try" I followed him, snatching the ball from his hands.

The ball was bounced few times before I threw it in the air, spiking it hard. Suna looked at me with a proud look on his face. "Not that" he mumbled. "Nah. I'm not going for a steady relationship for now. I'm healing" again, Suna laughed before taking a ball and serve.

"You've started?" Atsumu walked into the gym with the others; Kita, Aran, Omimi, and the rest. Suna and I turned our heads to look at them. "Nah, we were just playing around" Suna answered him. "How's the talking?" he asked. "It's just Kita explaining to me about the youth camp stuff" Atsumu took off his jacket, throwing it on the floor. "Best player he is" I rolled my eyes playfully. "Osamu, you shit head. Can you not picking up a fight with me?" he whined out loud. God, I hate it when he does that. He's so annoying...

"Alright, let's finish the talk and start a practice match instead. Form into 2 teams. Aran vs. me" it was a simple instruction from Kita and we moved into our positions for the practice match.


I walked into the gym. I could see Inarizaki were in their practice match. I was too lazy to go up to the grandstand so I decided to just stand at the side and watch them play. I couldn't tell how many matches they've played but all of them seemed exhausted. They should be resting by now, they shouldn't have pushed themselves. I could see Atsumu tossing his ball towards Osamu and the ball was spiked hard, resulting their team scoring a point against the opponent's team. The last point marked as the end of the match. Aran's team won both sets against Kita's. Atsumu quickly jogged his way towards me, catching me in his arms. "Hey, I miss you" one of his hands caressed my cheek. I could see Suna and Osamu looked so disgusted seeing Atsumu become all clingy at me. Well, help me, buddies.

"Atsumu, your friends are here" I held his hand, trying to move it away from keeping caressing my cheek. My face felt hot from embarrassment. Of course, I like it when he does that but looking at the faces Suna and Osamu made, we need to start to limit the PDA. He hummed, shaking his head. "It's fine. They know about us though" he pouted. How the hell he could be this cute? He's so irresistible but still, even Kita was looking at our way now.

"You're really a showoff, Atsumu" Kita laughed and the others followed him. That had him pulling his hand away from touching my cheek. I cackled. "I've told you" it was a mumble but I'm sure Atsumu heard me. "Kita, you should find yourself a girlfriend so you could stop teasing me like that" he whined again. "Maybe he has one but he could chill his ass compared to you" Osamu cut him off. I laughed softly. Osamu is really good at pissing Atsumu. I salute him for that. "Enough. Osamu, it's on you today. Make sure to lock the gym before you go back" Kita reminded the grey-haired boy before leaving the gym with his stuff. Atsumu looked at me again, "Come with me. I'm taking somewhere today" I'm not sure if it only for me but Atsumu seemed weird. As if he has things to say to me and that made me feel quite nervous.

It was almost 7pm. Atsumu brought me to a playground at a random resident. He held my hand tightly, leading my way towards the swings. "Come" he signaled me to ride the swing and so I did what was I told. I sat down on the seat of the swing and slowly swinging it. Atsumu stood behind me, helping me by pushing me on my back. "Careful" he said, reminding me not to swing too fast. "This is the first time you brought me to a playground. That's kinda weird" I laughed. "I just feel like bringing you here. And I purposely chose to bring you here at this hour because kids are gone home so this place is all for us" he muttered. That's sweet. I love how Atsumu slowly changing himself after the trip. I could see his effort to be someone who's better for me and I am also changing, to be more understanding and matured for him. I love how we have gotten closer after the fight. It seemed like we both finally get to understand our hearts.

Atsumu suddenly became silent and that weirded me out. I could feel that he has something to say yet he didn't make any moves to do so. "Tsumu..." I took the initiative to break the silence. He hummed as a response. "Do you actually have something to say to me? I could feel it that you have something to say" I murmured. I felt the disappearance of Atsumu's hands on my back. I stopped the swing from swinging, tilting my head to look at him behind me. Atsumu walked across my side, kneeling down in front of me. He reached for my hands, holding them tightly. The pad of his thumbs brushed against my knuckles. Our eyes met as he was staring at me. The way he looked at me made me feel even more nervous than I already am. "Yes I do" he hummed. My heart started to race, I felt uneasy for some reason. What is it?

"I had a talk with Kita earlier" he cleared his throat. Yes, I know that. He got a phone from Suna about it. "We talked about the youth camp" his hands, they were trembling and that had me confused. Why was he shaking? What is it? "He said that the camp will be for five days" I pursed my lips. Well, I'm happy for him but that kinda hurts. Five days. Five days away from him. "And it'll be in Tokyo" that's even worst. A week away from him and also being 326 miles away from him. The smile on my face began to fade. I looked down on the ground, taking a deep breath before moving my head up to look at him back. "That's good. You're getting more recognition for your talent. I'm so proud of you" I smiled widely but in fact, I was hurting. I don't want to be petty for that. That's why I had to show a big smile to him. Because I am proud of him but it still saddened me.

"This camp will be under the same organizers as the one I attended before. And that means, they'll be taking all our gadgets and we will stay at their dorm. For the whole period" he continued. I bit down on my lower lip, trying not to cry. "I hate it" he mumbled. He bowed his head, looking at the sandy ground. He held my hands tighter and his hands were still shaky. "I don't want to be away from you. Five days are just too long... And Tokyo is 500 kilometers away from Kobe" his voice was shaky as well. He sounded so sad and that broke me. "I'm not used to go through a day without seeing you. Even if we fight, I will at least make sure that you'll eat your lunch or dinner, I will watch you from afar" I couldn't hold my tears any longer, same goes for Atsumu. "But the fact that I couldn't even contact you, it pains me" he continued.

I cupped his cheeks, making him face me up. My lips curved into a smile. It pains me as well but I can't be selfish. He's going to Tokyo for a volleyball camp and I need to be there as his supporter. Of course, being away from him for that long would be a hell for both of us but still, I have to support him, to convince him that we will make it together. I wiped off his tears with my thumbs. I hummed, nodding my head slightly. "I understand" I caressed his soft cheeks. I was at the urge of breaking down but I told myself not to. I need to be stronger for him. I don't want to make him feel worried. "Tokyo is indeed far from Kobe and five days are surely long" I pursed my lips, sniffing. "But I know that we will make it. Time is moving and you will complete those five days in a blink. Trust me" I choked on my words as my tears rolled down my cheeks. "But..." I immediately cut him off. "I will miss you" I broke down. I looked down, hiding my crying face. Atsumu pulled me into a hug and he rubbed my back.

"I will miss you too" he kissed my temple. He held me strong, securing me in his arms. I clenched on his jacket, crying quietly on his chest.

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