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### author's note ###
songs recommended for this chapter <33

1. オレンジ (Orange) - 7!!
2. 僕らだけの主題歌 (Our Own Theme Song) - Centimilimental
3. 心倣し (Imitation) - Akane
4. 夜が明ける (The Dawn Night) - Given
5. Call of Silence - Hiroyuki Sawano
6. 冬のはなし (Winter Story) - Given


"Y/N... I've told you to not do this work. It's heavy" Osamu took the box I was carrying and brought it inside.

A week after the graduation, Osamu got himself a new apartment to live near to the city. None of us had actually come with our post-graduate plans.

His new apartment is just nice; not too big and not too small. Located near to a convenience store, a few minutes away from the city, and easy access to the train station nearby.

"This will be the last box" he said, placing down the box he took from me earlier. He took a deep breath and exhaled, looking around his new place. "You're hungry?" his eyes latched on me. I hummed, "A little but I can handle it" I nodded my head with a smile.

He walked towards where I was standing, reaching for my hands to intertwine our fingers together. "Let's order something for us, hm?" he said. His thumb rubbing my knuckle.


We had pizza and some other food as dinner. Osamu was there, seated next to me while enjoying the variety show on the tv. I looked at the time on my phone screen. It was almost to 10, just a few minutes left.

"Hm" I hummed, resulting him to turn his head. "Hm?" he quirked an eyebrow. "I think I should go home now" I pursed my lips, eyes locked on his. Osamu wrinkled his forehead, "You can just stay overnight" he offered.

Well, it's not like I've never spent the night with him. I did, but that was when he stayed at his old dorm, where there were two single beds. It's right that we're closer now but the thought of taking things far, or even be in the same bed with him makes me feel awkward.

"You don't have a spare bed..." I murmured.

I noticed the changes on his face. He looked... Sad somehow, but I wasn't sure why.

He swallowed himself and forced a smile. "You can sleep in my room. I'll sleep here on the couch" he said, sipping on his cola.

I was about to sleep when I heard footsteps approaching the bed I was laying on. I knew it was Osamu, maybe he's taking his stuff or anything.

But then I felt him sitting on the floor, facing to me. He brushed my baby hair with the pad of his thumb and sighed.

"Why am I even trying?" he whispered.

I could hear him clearly but I didn't want to shock him if I open my eyes, so I pretended to be asleep instead and listen to him.

"I'll... Never get you even how hard I'll try, yeah?" he chuckled; it sounded like a forced and fake one.

"It's always him"

"It will always be him" he sighed, thumb stopped brushing my baby hair and he removed his hand off me.

"I should have just... Given up on you, y/n. But I can't... I just don't know how..." I opened my eyes a little just to see him bowing his head facing to the floor. The room was dark, only with some light coming from the living room.

"He's so lucky. He is so lucky... I'm... I'm jealous. Even if he's gone for two years, he still has someone who's loyal to wait for his return. I'm so jealous. It's pointless for me to be selfish if the person I like won't even look at me. Y/N... I'm sorry for falling for you, for having this feeling towards you, for complicate things and make it hard for you. I'm also sorry that I can't easily give up on you even though I've tried..." his hand moved up to wipe off his tears and his voice was shaky- filled with nothing but sadness and disappointment.

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