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I hugged myself while watching Atsumu getting his stuff, putting them inside of the car boot. I didn't expect it to be this soon for Atsumu to leave for Tokyo. We just had a talk last night and he did surprise me by telling me that he's going to take his leave the next morning. I couldn't show him a positive reaction. I know I should have shown him that I'm happy for him but I just couldn't. Atsumu will be far from me for five days and our distance is like 300 miles. We can't even video call or something. They'll take his phone. Atsumu closed his car boot, turning to look at me. He looked sad but he hid it with his smile. He approached me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Don't give me that look" he hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer. My heart felt heavy. I don't want him to leave but I knew that's impossible.

"He's just attending youth camp, y/n" Suna snorted. "Right, they're so dramatic" Osamu cut in with a sigh. I shot a glare at both of them. They really mocked me when I was feeling sad. "Alright" Osamu surrendered. "Go ahead, keep going" Suna rubbed the back of his nape. I looked up when Atsumu cupped both of my cheeks with his big hands. He locked his eyes on me. "Make sure to not skip your meals, take good care of yourself and always miss me, okay?" he caressed my cheeks gently. I hummed, nodding my head. "You too. Get rest if you're tired, don't skip meals, and do the best" my lips curved into a smile.

He leaned to give a soft kiss on my lips and I responded. "Ew" Osamu tsked, looking away. "What a bad day starter" Suna covered his eyes and sighed. "I gotta go now" Atsumu mumbled against my lips. I knew he wanted to stay longer but he had no choice. I broke the kiss, nodding my head. Atsumu gets into his car, rolling his window down after. He stared at me with a smile for a couple of minutes. "I love you" he waved. "I love you more" I said, waving back at him. "Take care of y/n for me. I'll be back in five days" Atsumu shifted his eyes towards the two males behind me. Suna just nodded his head while Osamu replied with an "Ugh, fine", he sighed.

I witnessed the matte black Audi that Atsumu owned vanish from my sight and that's how my first day without Atsumu started. "So, what's now?" Osamu asked as soon as I turned behind to look at the tall guys. Suna shrugged, no idea. "What if we hang out at your place? You're living alone, right?" Suna hummed at Osamu's idea, shaking his head. "Used to. I recently got myself a roommate. A fucking intimidating one" he rolled his eyes. "That sucks. Well, then we can go have a break..." Osamu was cut off when his phone rang. He pulled his phone out from his hoodie pocket, answering the call. "Yes, mother?" I looked at him. "Really? Okay then I'm going there now" he hung up. "I'm sorry but I need to rush back to Hyogo. Our shop's running out of workers at the moment so I had to help her with it" he kept his phone back, looking at me and Suna. "You wanna come with me?" Osamu looked at me. "No, it's fine. I'll just be here. Send my regards to mother" I said, giving him a sweet smile. Osamu curved his lips, smiling back at me. "Alright. I'll let you know once I get back here, okay?" he ruffled my hair playfully. I nodded my head, whining at his action that caused my hair to mess up. "Suna, she's under your care while I'm away, okay?" Osamu averted his eyes to look at the half-sleepy looked man. "I'm not a babysitter, what even" he sighed. "I'll be back soon" Osamu rolled his eyes before bidding goodbye and left.

It was me and Suna who left. He rubbed the back of his neck, humming. "Let's go get us some breakfast" he said and led me towards his car. He went straight towards the passenger door, opening it for me. "Rin, you don't have to do that. I can do that myself" I chuckled and get in. "Force of habit" he said, closing the door carefully before walking to the driver's door and gets in. I was about to buckle up my seatbelt only to be stopped when it was stuck. I tsked, struggling to pull it with force. "Gentler" Suna chuckled while looking at me struggling like a dummy. "I'm trying, shush" I whined. "Come on..." I pulled it again but it was pointless. "I got you" Suna leaned close to me, his hand reaching the seatbelt clip that I was holding, making his hand landed on top of mine. I turned my head towards him. Our faces were so close. I swallowed myself, looking at him in the eyes. He looked at me back, pulling our hands together to buckle up my seatbelt. "Be gentler" he murmured before adjusting himself back on his seat. I cleared my throat, straightening my back against the seat. Why does my heart beating so fast?

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