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warning: minor violence and a very light angst


"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Suna grabbed Atsumu's jacket. "Guys stop" I sighed. Please, this is tiring. "Why were you with her? Are you trying to get her back? Are you trying to mess with me, Suna?" Atsumu grabbed Suna's shirt. "I was just trying to cheer her up. You had no idea how sad she was after Akari came to you during breakfast. And you don't even bother to go and comfort her!" Suna pushed Atsumu hard. I looked at Suna. He was mad just like Atsumu. "What happened to you, Atsumu? You were so sweet and gentle to her before you guys date but look at how shitty you can get now! I've told you she cries easily, I've told you to take care of her feelings but look at what you did! I know you're worried about her but she was right. You should have asked her nicely instead of shouting and embarrass her in front of people. Can't you think of that?" Suna yelled out loud. He had me surprised. His voice was really loud and thank goodness we're in our camp or else, it'd be worst.

Atsumu was still glaring at him. "Everything seemed to go wrong after you made up with her" he groaned. I turned my head towards Atsumu. What?

"Can't I be her friend? I know we had a past but she's all yours now. Grow the fuck up, Atsumu. You're no longer a kid to think of such things. I'm just trying to be there for her as a friend. I just wanted to be someone where she can let out all of the pressures she's carrying. She tends to bottle up her feelings most of the time and I can't just sit there and watch her cry. You're not even there to comfort her so I did that because I don't want to see her crying" Suna frowned. "I hurt her once and I feel regret about it up until now. I wished I could fix us but it was too late. She's yours and she loves you so much, Atsumu, and I know that I don't stand a chance to get her back and I'm fine with it. I just want to see her happy. I don't mind seeing her being with someone else. As long as she's happy then I'm fine with it. But if you have the intention to keep hurting her like this, then, please... Let her go" he sighed, sitting on the couch. Atsumu sat on his bed, having his head in his hands. Suna took a deep breath.

"You have no idea how she looked like when she said that you always make her happy, that you always make her feel like she's in utopia. She's happy and proud to have you so please, if you really love her, then you should stop hurting her. She's fragile, she's a crybaby and you're very aware of that" Suna got up from the couch and walked out from the camp. I looked at Atsumu, letting out a sigh. "You know, Tsumu. Suna's right. Even how angry you could get, don't ever let it out on a girl" I said. He didn't move, staying still in his posture. "It was your fault this time" I got up and leave the camp.

I know he's my twin brother but I can't side him when he's at fault. I left him so that he could reflect on his mistake and to calm himself first.



I headed towards the bonfire. I took a long nap earlier since my head was throbbing because of crying. I was still disappointed with Atsumu and I actually felt embarrassed to face the other members of Inarizaki. They all saw what happened but still, I couldn't isolate myself just like that. I'm joining their trip so I need to at least show my respect. I sat on the wooden log. Kita was the first one to approach me. "Are you okay?" he asked, handing me a mug of hot coffee. I could see Riseki, Kosaku and the other third years were busy grillings at the barbeque. I nodded my head, giving him a smile. "He's a monster after all. He doesn't know how to control his temper" he sipped on his hot chocolate. I hummed quietly. "Just... Hang in there okay? If you need someone then I'll be here" he patted my back before getting up and join the barbeque team.

Suna nudged me from behind. I looked up at him. "I'll get you food" he said and left.

"Hmph" Atsumu handed me the paper plate. I looked at the food he was offering. Shrimps. I shook my head, refusing him nicely. "Eat it" he sighed. I furrowed my eyebrows. His pushy self annoyed me like hell. "I don't want" I groaned. Atsumu sighed in annoyance. "Look, I'm trying to be nice here so please, cut that crap attitude of yours" he growled. Oh my God... Can he stop hurting me with his words...

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