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Suna took out few lunch boxes from his bag and opened the lids. I looked at the food he brought. There were onigiris, dorayaki, mochi, and some other Japanese snacks. "Let's eat" he took a riceball from the lunch box, handing it to me. "I made this. Try some" his word made me quirked an eyebrow. Suna made riceballs? He actually cooked? That's so new of him. I took the riceball from him and take a bite of it. "How is it?" he was anticipating for my review. I hummed in a playful manner before chuckling. "It's good. I like it" I grinned. Suna smiled and nodded his head. He seemed relieved. "Keep eating" he took one for him and started eating as well.

"Did you make the others as well?" I munched on the riceball, eyes looking at the guy who was seated next to me. He shook his head while chewing on his food. "I bought the others while I was on my way to your place. I remember how much you like street food so yeah" he took another bite of the riceball. His eyes locked on the waterfall as he speaks. I blushed. I didn't know that Suna still remembers that I love street food. "I got it from your favorite stall" he continued, his head turned to look at me. I chewed on my food slowly before swallowing it. That was... Kind of a surprise. He really stopped by at my favorite stall to buy my favorite food? My heart started to beat fast. I cleared my throat. "It's been a while since I went there" I absolutely have no idea how to respond to him because my cheeks were red. I was blushing.

"Yeah because you eat expensive food now. Your boyfriend is rich" he laughed. I scoffed. Look at what he just said, I can't believe him. "Says the one who owns a Mustang" I nodded my head sarcastically. He laughed and stretched his limbs. "That's just a gift from my parents" he chuckled. I hugged my knees, head facing him. "Your family is rich as well, compared to mine" I let out a sigh. Well, I was saying the truth. I don't know how can I be surrounded by rich guys. It's all started when Suna and I became close friends and sometimes it gives me bad thoughts about it. Like I could feel other girls are badmouthing me. They must see me as one of those golddiggers just like on the tv. I am actually not. It just happened to be that way. Suna was the one who brought me to see Inarizaki and that's how I get along with Atsumu, Osamu, and the others.

"It must feel so good to be born in a rich family" my smile was quite a bitter smile. My family isn't that poor, we're just average but still, we have commitments, bills to pay and we're worried about the piled debts. But seeing Suna or even Atsumu, it seemed like they have to worry nothing. I doubt that their families have debts just like mine. "My parents are the one who is rich, not me" he propped his arms as a support. "I have nothing and that car isn't the thing I should be proud to flex on. I didn't bought that with my own money. It is considered as a thing that I'm borrowing from my parents. If I was rich, I would have just... Marry you, you know?" he looked at me while laughing. What?

"Marry me?" I raised an eyebrow, asking him weirdly. That was so random. Suna took a deep breath, inhaling the smell of nature. He closed his eyes, head cocking up facing the tall trees. He remained silent for a few minutes before he opens his eyes. "Hm" he hummed. "I did have the thought of marrying you once we graduated. I couldn't do it because I wanted to save up first. I don't want to get married by using my parents' money. I want to use my own money. Imagine... My grand wedding ceremony, held in a big ballroom of one of the popular hotels in Japan, the decorations, the dress of my bride, my wedding suit, everything that was paid with my own money, that would feel so great, you know" he grinned. His words surprised me. I didn't know Suna Rintarou would have these kinds of thoughts. Despite having such a blank facial expression on him most of the time, he actually have something big in his mind. He was thinking of his own future. He have aims and goals.

"Too bad, I screwed up" he sighed. I swallowed, eyes were still locking on his side view. I believed that if he didn't chose to cheat, we would make it but it happened. I was destined to be with someone else, that's the reality. Though, it did question me. How did he ever think of going to someone else behind my back? I hummed, "Then why did you go to Sakura?" I mumbled. "Because I was stupid. I was craving for attention" he locked his eyes on mine. "I feel regret for the mistake that I did myself, up until now" his tone of his voice changed. It sounded sad for some reason. "Cheating on you was my own choice. I'm the one to blame but that doesn't change my feelings for you. After all, I feel like my feelings for Sakura was a forced one and it's because I wanted her to keep giving me the attention I wanted. I wished I could turn back time" he stared into my eyes. I've never felt this warm when I'm with him. "It's hard for me, y/n" he furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm sorry but it is hard for me... To see you with someone else. Losing you was my biggest lost" I pursed my lips. I hate how easy for me to get emotional.

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