Chapter 78 ~ He is innocent

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Arthur got Merlin and me, a meeting with the king. So we can show him our proof of Gaius's innocence.

"Sire, the witnesses saw nothing but hallucinations induced by the Belladonna in these eye-drops" Merlin looks at me.

Uther holds his hand out. I step forward and hand the eye-drops to Uther.

"And you bought this Belladonna from this man?" Uther asks looking at the girls then at the man we got the eyedrops from.

The girl's nod.

Uther looks at the man "Where did you get it from?"

He looks around nervously.

"Don't be afraid. No harm will come to you here." Uther says.

"The witchfinder, he gave them to me." The man says.

"Did he tell you what it was for?" Uther asks

"No. Only that if I did not, he'd have me burnt at the stake." The man says.

Uther looks at Aredian. "How do you answer to these accusations?" 

Aredian looks at Uther "They are absurd. The boy and girl has clearly concocted these lies, in the hope of saving their master"

"Then you won't mind if we search your chambers?" Merlin asks

"Yeah, if you think we're lying you have nothing to hide," I say 

"Silence! You have no authority here." Uther shouts.

I jump at Uther's sudden outburst. It came out of nowhere, but I should've been expecting that with Uther.

"Father, let's settle this once and for all." Arthur walks down and stands next to me. "If what Merlin and Olivia say is wrong, they must bear the consequences." He looks back at Uther. "But if there is some truth in what he says..."

"I have nothing to hide," Aredian says.

We all head to Aredian's chambers. They begin searching his chambers.

"You're wasting your time," Aredian says

"The cupboard over there." Arthur points to the cupboard.

One of the guards walks to the cupboard. He opens it, and hundreds of bracelets fall out of it, the same one found in Gaius's chambers, and there was a lot of belladonna eyedrops in it too.

Aredian walks forward "These things don't belong to me! This is a trick!

Arthur draws his sword slowly.

Aredian coughs "That boy and girl, plots against me!"

He falls forward and starts choking. Something starts coming out of his mouth. He coughs one last time, and a toad falls out of his mouth. The toad starts crawling toward the door; I quickly step away. I was standing next to Morgana.

Uther draws his sword "Sorcerer!"

He quickly snatches something off the table. Before I could react, he grabs Morgana, and I and holds the knife to our throats. Arthur and Merlin both walk forward. Aredian tightens the knife on my throat. They both stop in their tracks.

"Aredian, think carefully about what you are doing. You'll never escape from Camelot alive."  Uther says

"Not if you value the life of your ward, and this servant but I'm sure she means nothing to any of you except the boy and maybe, Morgana," Aredian says backing up.

My eyes drift to Arthur; he shakes his head. I hope he meant that I was something to him.

Suddenly Aredian shouts in pain he drops the knife and lets us go. Morgana and I run forward, Arthur pulls me behind him, and Morgana goes behind Uther. Aredian backs up and trips over a box by his window. He trips and falls out of the window. It was a long fall there is no way he is going to survive.

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