Chapter 97 ~ Last Dragonlords

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I wake with a start when I feel a hand on my cheek.

"Cenred's men," Arthur whispers.

I  grab my sword and jump up; I was standing just behind Arthur, and Merlin was behind the two of us. We stand looking around. 

A man jumps up and runs down the hill, screaming.  Arthur pushes Merlin and me out the way. Another man emerges and is running straight for Arthur. I rush forward and block the man's path to Arthur and start fighting him. I spin and slice the man; he falls to the ground. I look to Merlin and see him throw a sword at Balinor. He catches it and slices another man that appeared. Another man appears. I start fighting him; I kick him toward Arthur, and Arthur slashes his sword at him.

"Where the hell are they coming from!" I call 

"I have..." Arthur was cut off by a man charging at him. 

I turn to Merlin and see a man hit his sword out of his hand; he was about to stab my brother when Balinor runs forward and jumps in front of Merlin; Balinor gets stabbed, he falls back into Merlin's arms.

"No!" Merlin shouts. The man who stabbed Balinor flies back into a tree.

I drop my sword and run over to Merlin; another man runs at us.

"Go away!" I shout. The man flies back and hits the tree, and lands on top of the other man.

I sit on my knees next to Merlin and Balinor.

Balinor looks up at us. "I see you have your father's talent. Merlin... Olivia...."

"Please! No. Please." Merlin shakes his head.

"We can save you," I say 

"Listen to me. When the two of you face the dragon, remember, be strong. A dragon's heart is on its right side, not its left." Balinor says.

"We can't do it without you," Merlin says with tears brimming his eyes.

"Listen to me. You are my son and daughter. I've seen enough in you to know you will make me proud." He says

Tears were rolling down my cheek now. Balinor takes in one last breath then... nothing.

"No, father..." Merlin says.

"No..." I say

I bury my head in my hands.

"No!" I hear Arthur shout.

I quickly wipe my tears and stand up; I walk over to my sword, pick it up and put it in my belt. 

I look over to where I was sleeping and see a wood dragon on my pillow. I look to where Merlin slept, and he had one too.

I quickly pick it up and put it in my pouch on my leg.

 I look at Arthur and see him kneeling. "Camelot is doomed."

We ride into Camelot and walk into the room where Uther was. Arthur walks to the front, Merlin and I stop on the side. 

"I'm sorry, father. I have failed you. The Last Dragonlord is dead." Arthur says.

Gaius looks at us; Merlin puts a hand to his mouth and held back tears. I grab my brothers hand to reassure myself and him.

"There were many years when I might've wished for that news," Uther says.

"All is not lost, father," Arthur says. "We have to fight the monster ourselves. So let us ride out and fight on our own terms. On open ground, on horseback, where we can manoeuvre better."

"There is no point." Uther states.

"So what? We stand here and watch Camelot fall?" Arthur says.

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