Seven - Helpless

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It was about three weeks later. You hadn't seen Loki since the pool, but to be fair this was one of the few times you had been coaxed out of bed. You always healed unusually fast so you were feeling much better. You sat inside, looking out at the rain.

The team was on a mission and would be for the next few days. It was a ways away. Clint didn't go, but he did leave to see his family. It was so grey outside you couldn't see the track.

You noticed something odd. There was movement out there. Your mind flashed back to Steve's warning a month ago about the escaped wacko. It was probably just paparazzi. Changing them off would make you feel better.

You gathered your crutches and went outside to see what you could. It was gone.

"Hello? I don't know if you know where you are, but you need to leave."


But you could almost sense someone out there. You stepped forward, one foot hovering over the grass. The second your foot touched the blades someone crashed into you. You howled in pain as your broken leg was banged around.

You grappled with the man. He had a mask so you couldn't tell who he was. Frantically struggling, you grabbed at his face, attempting to revel his identity. He snarled and backhanded you, the taste of blood filled your mouth.

You tried to flip him over with your good leg, but you were almost in control when your wounds hindered you. His hand dig into you rib that had broken and you cried out in pain. He bashed you on the head and started to drag you away.

Your vision was blurry and everything spun. Who was going to know what happened to you?

Loki.. You thought Loki, help me!

The man was taking you to the pond. You freaked out and banged on his arm as hard as you could. He only made a noise of anger and there you in. You barley struggled to the surface to catch a breath before he shoved you under. You were only able to struggle so much, the fight in you was dwindling.

You were so weakened that you thought this might be your end. Fear coursed through you and you did what you could with the little strength you had left.

Then the weight was gone. Mere seconds later someone was pulling you from the water. You gasped, a relief like no other. It was Loki carrying you. He rushed inside and made a beeline for the infirmary.

"F-Friday? Please do something to help Y/N I don't know what to do!" Loki set you down on your usual bed. Violent shivers racked you.

"Warm, you need to be warm!" He picked you up again and took you to the bathroom. It was equipped with a tub and shower. He turned the shower head on full heat. "Y/N we need to get these wet clothes off. Is that okay? Can i help you?"

You managed to make eye contact. As embarrassing as it was you forced yourself to nod. He helped you out of everything except your undergarments. The warm water got your blood pumping again and you sighed. This was humiliating to have Loki of all people see you this weakened.

You noticed that he was getting wet as well. You lifted a trembling hand to his clothes. You tried to say something but only a whimper came out.

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine. I'm going to leave and get you some warm and dry clothes."

Once he was gone you began to panic. What if the ty came back to kill you again? You tried to rise, but fell half in and half out of the shower. You dragged yourself all the way out and collapsed on your back, your breath heavy.

After some time you tried to grip a table to heave yourself up, but it wobbled and a bunch of things came crashing off. You yelped and within seconds Loki rushed back in.

Unable to help yourself, you threw your arms around him. "I'm scared. Please don't leave me alone."

He was completely frozen. Slowly his firm arms circled around you. "Okay."

You were able to shower and get into warm clothes mostly on your own. You were too embarrassed to have him see this too. He carried you to bed, though you said you could walk. You couldn't have. You hated being completely reliant on others.

You tried to sleep but you woke with a cough and a terrible fever. You clutched your chest, you could barley breathe.

Loki had to frantically call on Friday for help. She diagnosed you with Pneumonia and recommended an oxygen mask, iv drip, and to be kept cold. Loki gave you the IV and oxygen mask. But you were still sweating.

"It's so hot." You said, your voice low and weak.

"I-I think I can help. You know i'm always freezing. My body temperature could cool you down."

You stared at him, dumbfounded.

"I'd have to get in the bed with you." he said matter of factly.

Your cheeks burned, but you nodded. Loki took off his sweater, a thin t-shirt underneath. You thought earth clothes suited him very well. He got onto the bed, positioning himself on his back. He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you up half way.

Loki was right. His cool temperature made the fever manageable. If it weren't for your sickness you'd be more concerned with what this must look like.

"I hate this." you muttered.

"What? Am i doing something?" Loki seemed hurt.

"No, not this you. This, having to be taken care of. Being weak. This you, is.... nice."

"It's not weak to be sick." Loki consoled. He relaxed a bit and put his arm around your waist. And your adjusted so you were almost hugging him. "And this you is nice as well." He added.

You smiled to yourself, not really knowing why that pleased you so much. Then you shuddered and the good feeling passed.

"Tell me about Asgard."

Loki was thoughtfully silent. "Remember when you asked about the sunset? On midgard you have a sun so it can rise and fall. Thus sunset and sunrise. But on Asgard there is no sun. It is both night and day at once. It is so remarkable..."

The thrum of his chest as he spoke was so calming you found yourself drifting off to sleep.

A/N ~ I have a feeling people going after Y/N is not over yet :0

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