Four - Eavesdropping

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It was at least a half hour later that you gathered yourself and slowly made your way up stairs. The door to your floor was slightly ajar and you paused out of instinct when you heard voices. It was the distinctive boom and whisper of Thor and Loki's voices, respectively.

You pressed your back flat against the wall and leaned as close as you could to capture their words.

"-not your ideal conditions, but you must see that this will bring about a better result for you." Thor was saying.

"Not my ideal conditions?" Loki scoffed, "Earth is a horrendous place and I don't know how you can bear to stand it."

Thor sighed. "Bashing earth will not help. Yes they are puny, and ... different. Everything here is different you're bound to get homesick."

"That was your home. I never truly belonged there."

"Only you think that, Brother."

"I'm not your brother."

Then a door shut. Likely to Loki's room. Thor heaved a sigh and walked off. You waited until you were sure he was gone to slip into your room. Hearing that was very disconcerting. It was your first real insight to Loki's life. You wanted to dwell on how he shut his brother out and how that could make your hate more justified, but your mind went to his homesickness.

Even to you it was clear that Loki was feeling at least out of place. You wondered what would happen if you were forced to go live on some alien planet. It would be devastating. The Avengers, your family, would be out of sight for you. Just thinking of that made you feel crushed.

You didn't feel and remorse for him, but it put you in a new perspective to think of how he must be feeling. You snorted and stood up. He killed a ton of innocents. He deserves some pain, you thought, clenching your fist.

. . .

Some months passed and you continuously avoided Loki, never making eye contact with him or saying a word in his direction. He returned the favor silently. Whenever he entered a room you were in alone, you instantly left.

The team was starting to warm up to Loki a bit. Clint would sometimes make friendly jokes at him and Steve would offer to make him some food on rare occasion. Loki was not as warm to them, but he was a fraction less cold and distant.

You were making dinner for yourself and Clint when Loki entered the room. His presence alone set a chill about the room. No one else seemed to notice or say anything so you thought it was just you.

You were dishing the food, when you noticed an odd vibe in the room. Loki was the only one who seemed
like his usual self. Clint snatched his plate and ran off.

"Hey, what-" You reached out and then glimpsed Steve standing outside. You dashed after him but the door shut and clicked. You banged on the door, looking through the tiny window.

"What are you doing?!" You yelled.

"You two have to work some things out!" Steve shouted through the door. "We all have to live and work together. So far you're the only one who hasn't at least learned to deal with it."

"You really think trapping me in here is a good idea." Loki said from behind you. You stiffened automatically.

"There's nothing you can do about it. Especially you Loki." Nat said.

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