Prolouge - 2012

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New York - 2012

You were walking down the street, minding your own business, blasting your favorite band in your headphones. That was how you always walked to school, no one talked to you, and you could enjoy the walk. You looked up and for some reason saw ... your parents? You took out your headphones.

"Mom? Dad? What are you do-" you started.

"Y/N! You need to go home!" they shouted at you.

"What? What's going on?!" You said back just as loud. You had never seen them like this. You knew they were nervous about you walking in the middle of new york all alone. And what on earth were they doing down here??

"Just go home! Something dangerous is happening." Your mom pleaded.

You opened your mouth to say something but just then there was a loud groan that seemed to come from the sky. The ground shook beneath you and you looked up. A gaping black hole has appeared in the sky, directly above the Stark tower.

A stab of fear jolted though you.

"What's going on?" You cried, whirling to face your parents.

"We need to get you to a secure location!" Dad shouted.

"A what? Explain!" You demanded.

Before they could respond there was a boom, then the groan and shriek of metal. The building catty corner from you was being demolished as a giant metal creature smashed through it. Before you could turn around and call up the powers within you, rubble and debris crashed all around you. You were shoved aside and thrown to the ground.

You didn't know how long it was until you came to. But when you opened your eyes the first thing you noticed was the ringing.

Your ears were blaring and you couldn't hear anything else. The word was gray with ash and rubble dust. Your lungs burned like you had just run without stopping for miles. You groaned, attempting to rise to your feet. Pain pulsed in your right shoulder and down to your mid back.

"Mom?" You called out. There was no response and the ringing persisted. "Dad?"

You began frantically searching the scene of destruction as your hearing gradually returned. You almost wished it didn't. All you could hear was sirens and screaming. Then you saw the hand.

The hand that had that unmistakable wedding band on it. "DAD!"

You flung yourself at the rock not bothering to hide the power that surged from you, flinging the rubble away. You heaved him up with your own body. He was over Mom, it seemed he had thrown himself over her to protect her. You let out a choked sob and shook him.

He twitched and groaned. But did not open his eyes. Once you were sure he was alive you turned to mom. she was completely still and pale. A trickle of blood dripped from her forehead. You knew she was dead.

But that didn't stop you from shaking her and sobbing. There was a growl and a shout in an alien language behind you. You pushed yourself to your feet and turned to face the threat. It was some sort of humanoid creature that was clearly not of earth. You gave it a blank stare, numb with pain and grief. You couldn't even lift your right arm.

It shouted a threat and raised its weapon. Before you could register, your father pushed you aside as a blast shot from the weapon hit in square on the chest instead of you. You cried out and ignoring your pained arm you reached to catch him, both of you crumpling to the ground in the process.

As you held your Dad in your arms you could barley register what was happening. The alien snarled a threat and without a thought you sent a blast of blue power at him without a second thought. You only felt pain as your dead parents lay by you. If you had noticed the magic steadily pulsing out of you, you might have stopped it.

An undeterminable amount of time passed and you noticed bright light to your side. Lightning crackled around a form steadily trying to approach you. You couldn't hold on anymore. Finally you decided it wasn't worth it and let go. On your knees you collapsed to the ground, face striking the asphalt. You didn't move anything but your eyes, glimpsing six figures approaching you.

Finally you let everything fade to black.

Sorry no Loki in this one. Don't worry it will be soon! And it's short so next chapter will be tomorrow and not in a week.

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