Fourteen - Rescued

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"You have no idea what I'll do to you." A jolt went through you as you recognized the voice.


~ Loki's POV ~

She's been gone a while. I felt I shouldn't care, but I did. I was in the main room of the avengers facility, trying to busy myself with a book. My eyes wouldn't focus on the words and instead my mind drifted to last night. Guilt stabbed deep in my gut. Why didn't I tell Y/N right away?

Wanda and Y/N had gone out last night, it was early morning now. No one else was up, or had apparently noticed. Finally I shut my book and decided to check her room.

When I reached her door I hesitated. If she was in there I didn't want to further aggravate her. I steeled myself and knocked. The door wasn't latched and creaked open slowly.

"Y/N?" I called. She wasn't on her bed, I apprehensively checked the rest of the room. No sign of her.

I recalled some of the mortals calling for some A.I. system to help them with things. "Friad? Um Friday?"

"Yes, Loki?"

"You must contact Stark. Tell him something is wrong." I said, trying to hide the desperate edge to my voice.

There was a beat of silence, then, "He is busy."

"Tell him it's about Y/N."

Mere minutes later Stark was storming in. "What is it? What did you do?"

I sighed impatiently. "You have to realize that I have done nothing violent here and never will. But that is not important right now. I think something bad has happened to Y/N."

"What is it? She and Wanda went out i'm sure they're safe." Tony said in annoyance. I was getting increasingly exasperated, I could tell he still didn't trust me at all.

"She's not here. Neither of them came home last night." I burst out.

"What?? What do you mean?!" Before I could answer, Wanda rushed in, her hair mussed and expression frantic.

"Where is Y/N? Something happened to her." She cried.

"What? Explain yourself." Stark demanded. I took a cautious step closer, I knew the witch could read minds.

"I - she - we got separated. One second she was there and then she was gone." Wanda explained.

"I told you!" I exclaimed.

"We have to do something." Wanda said. Stark sighed and paced.

"Okay. I have trackers in your guys technology. We can find her that way." Stark decided.

"That won't work. She left her things behind." Wanda showed Y/N's bag, which she had in her hand.

"I can help you." I finally said. They both looked to me. "I can use my powers. But you have to remove this." I held up my banded hand.

"Okay." Wanda said without hesitation.

"What? No!" Stark shouted. A few other members of the avengers team came in. It was The Spider and America.

"Friday told us what's going on." Steve said. Stark quickly told them about what I had said.

"How do we know we can trust you?" Natasha asked somberly. Steve looked thoughtful.

"Not everyone is truly a villain." Steve gave a significant look to Natasha. I briefly wondered who they were talking about.

"You're right." Natasha relented.

"We can't waste any more time." Wanda stormed forward and flicked her wrist. There was a red glow of magic around my wrist and the band fell away. My jaw dropped.

I gingerly reached to feel my wrist. They were now arguing, but the noise of their voices blurred in the background. I remembered when I helped heal Y/N, she took it off as well. She did it because she trusted me, Wanda did it out of desperation. Wanda came up to me and grabbed my hands.

"Please you have to help save her." She pleaded. I knew I had to. It was my fault she was taken, she went out because she was upset with me.

With a flash of green I donned my armor, helmet included. The Avengers gasped, assuming battle positions. "I want to help you."

"But you have to let me. If I was trying to trick you I would have done it by now." I pointed out.

"He's right." Natasha agreed. Tony grumbled and stared me dead in the eye.

"You better behave or you'll be heading some place worse than an asgardian prison." Tony walked out and called, "Suit up."

I closed my eyes and focused. My magic came to me naturally. I had her location. A fair picture of her came to me. She was sitting in a broken down building being threatened by a man with a terrible face scar and white hair streak.

I snapped open my eyes. "I'm coming. I'll make it up to you Y/N.


~ Your POV ~

Brian's hands clenched, but strangely his lips gave a small twitch up. He crossed his arms, assuming an arrogant expression. "Well, well. Loki of asgard. I thought The Avengers had taken care of you long ago."

He moved his hand in a circular motion and one of the other people there turned you around to face him. You were shocked by his appearance. He was wearing his traditional asgardian outfit, and he looked better than usual.

"Give Y/N to me and we can be diplomatic." Loki said, his voice low. Brian cackled and swiftly grabbed your wrist, pressing a cold blade to it.

"Make a false move and I'll make her bleed." He moved the knife up slowly, contouring your jawbone with the tip. "I'd hate to ruin such a pretty face."

Terror filled your eyes and you looked to Loki helplessly. Anger sparked in his eyes.

"What do you want?" His voice was quietly furious. You felt a twitch in your finger. Some of your movement was coming back.

"Haha, this is-" Brian flipped his hand away in a gesture and instantly the Loki before you dissolved. Everything exploded into action; Brian was jerked away and you managed to look back and see Loki fighting him.

"Don't let him touch you!" You called. Brian's people instantly grabbed you out of the chair, dragging you away. Your legs fumbled, barley regaining strength.

"You best let her go." It was Natasha in front of you now. They were forced to drop you. There was not enough strength in you to stand. You thought you could hear Steve's voice as well when you finally were able to flop over.

You couldn't decipher all the action that was happening. But you saw as one of the people, dressed all in black with a black mask lunged at you. Loki swooped in, knocking them back. He bent down and pulled you to a safer spot.

"Are you okay?" He looked you over.

"Loki I'm sorry! In the moment I burst out and J know I hurt your feelings, you aren't unforgivable." You blurted, the words pouring from you.

"I thought you would still hate me." Loki said softly.

"I-I, when he had me I thought how the last thing I said to you was-" Loki held up a finger to your lips, silently shushing you.

"It's okay. Let's talk about this when we're not in battle." Loki replied.

You nodded and he effortlessly lifted you into his arms. Brian rushed you two and Loki swiftly kicked him into a wall.

"Do you trust me?" He gasped, turning towards the windows.

"This isn't the end, Y/N!" Brian called, his voice filled with evil laughter.

Loki ran towards the windows, You yelped and buried your head in his shoulder. You crashed through the window and there was the deafening whistle of air.

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