Thirteen - Captured

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It was loud.

The music of the bar and the people pressing in all around you. You couldn't stand this for too long, but Wanda wanted to go, so you relented.

You could barely make yourself heard to order from the bartender. You were determined this time to not let yourself be over served.

"Hey!! IVE BEEN TALKING TO YOUUUU!" Wanda shouted.

"Sorry I couldn't hear you!" You yelled, moving closer.

"You good? You seem tense."

Truthfully you were. This was your idea and it could have distracted you. But you could not stop the gnawing at the back of your mind. Your conflicting feelings about Loki had just become more conflicted. You wanted to hate him for what he did, but... "Yeah, I'll be better with some good food and drink"

"Haha you bet! I heard this bar has great nachos." This was one of the reasons you loved Wanda. Though she was quieter and sometimes pessimistic, she could be great fun.

There were a lot of people so it took some time for you to get your order. Only more people seemed to be crowding in. After the only the one drink you were feeling very strange.

At some point Wanda told you that this place was never usually this crowded. The next thing you knew you were in the bathroom. 'How did I get here?'

The question seemed strange and the reason for asking it was as just out of grasp.

Someone was approaching from behind.

You were about to turn when something covered your eyes. Your mind became too fuzzy and then you blacked out.


The first thing you became aware of was the fact that you couldn't see. Even when you opened your eyes.

"Ah shut up she's coming to." A mans voice said. Your mind wasn't sharp enough yet to try and comprehend.

Someone roughly jerked the blindfold away. You blinked dumbly, trying to orient yourself. The sudden light made your vision blurry.

"What's going on?" You asked hoarsely. The light shining at you made it so you couldn't see who was behind it. Only figures.

"Oh you'll figure it out, you used to have a crush on me after all. I'm memorable like that." The words rang at the back of your mind. It wasn't good, but you couldn't place it.

The person speaking made a gesture. A new light behind you switched on. He stepped forward. Your stomach dropped.

Now you recognized the words and the voice.

"Did you miss me?" He sneered. You were too shocked to say anything. He looked completely different than what you remembered. His hair, including eyebrows, were pure white. It was the most unbelievable sight.

That wasn't the most shocking thing though. He had a scar down the right side of his face that went though one eye. Now they were mismatched colors, his original being hazel and the scarred one pale blue with no pupil.

"Brian, I-I.."

"Thought you killed me didn't you, hon?" He leaned close to you, his grotesque eyes sinking their claws into you. You twitched slightly, your mind was still far to muddled to use your powers. You only managed to move your chair a centimeter.

"Ah ah ahhhh," He took one hand out of a glove and moved it towards your face. His hands were more horrifying than his eye, they looked like petrified wood. The second he touched you, you became immobilized. You could only move your eyes and mouth.

"What did you just do?" You cried.

"Lovely isn't it? The lack of control? Not being able to do anything? That's how I felt for months after you shot me with your powers. They thought I was going to die. But really I had been blessed. I guess I should thank you but we'll get to that." Brian's voice sounded snake-like. Each word filled with venom.

"I still don't understand? Did I do that to you?"

"Yes, hon. You gave me ability like no other. Captain America is so basic, only super strength. How lame. You gave me the ability to petrify anyone so long as I have touched them. I could talk for hours about the intricacies of it, but alas. We have more important things to discuss." Brian replaced his glove and walked away.

Someone wheeled you after him. You noticed you were tied in a janky old wheelchair. The building was pretty broken down and when you arrived at the window Brian gestured for you to look down. It took you a moment, but soon you realized you were in Rubble Town. Some of the destroyed sections were taken over by the homeless. This was the only location where people actually grouped together and lived in a makeshift town. Most of the rubble had been cleared long ago, but big chunks still were there. Some markets were open and a surprising amount of people bustled in the streets.

"Have you ever been to Rubble Town?" Brian asked.

The position your head was frozen in made it impossible for you to look away. "No. I've seen the pictures."

"Hmm, I didn't think so. You avengers live high and mighty, rightly so i'm afraid." Brian said, not taking his eyes off the streets.

"What do you want?" You cut to the chase; Brian was wasting your time.

"What do we all want hon?" He didn't wait for you to give an answer, "Power, to be acclaimed and recognized like your super pals. Now as I said, previously I was angry at you. But you gave me a gift."

"Then why are you holding me hostage?" You broke in, impatience surging. He looked back at you.

"I'll get to it then. I was also given super strength, this is quite a great advantage in battle. However, i am not overpowered like you. We could use that energy in you to make others like me." Brian explained.

"I can't do that."

He sighed, clearly annoyed. "You, are the one that created me. No one else."

"I can't do that!" You insisted. "Brian, just let me go and nothing bad will happen."

My NAME is not Brian, it is Petrify!" He yelled, slamming his hands on the arms of the wheel chair.

You were glad you couldn't give him the satisfaction of flinching. His breathing was ragged, and you noticed a crazed glint in his eyes. Why had that angered him so much? He huffed and ran a hang through his hair. You could have sworn you saw a glint of blue in his eyes as he did this.

He stayed close to you for a moment and lifted your chin slightly with a gloved hand. You wanted nothing more than to look away. His eyes searched yours as if looking for something.

"You have no idea what you can do." He said softly.

Another voice spoke up from behind you. "You have no idea what I'll do to you."


A/N ~ Sorry this one took so long to publish. I was really trying to make it good. So to make up for it it's extra long.

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