Eight - Returned

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When you woke the little extra space in the bed was empty. Where was Loki? You jerked upright a bit and saw that the team was here. They must have dropped everything. While they greeted you you made half hearted responses and instead looked for Loki. He was peering in the doorway, the second you made eye contact he slipped away.

You felt hurt but you weren't sure why. Everyone was so concerned for you, so you pushed your feelings aside.

"We left right away. It was a long flight so that's what took so long. We never should have left you alone." Steve said.

"It's okay. I wasn't totally alone." You replied. Tony scoffed.

"Yeah but come on, I'll bet you and Loki had nothing to do with each other. I'm glad you can take care of yourself." Tony said.

"Haha yeah." You said, so Tony didn't look at the security footage of the infirmary? Why not? He probably would try eventually.

"Come Y/N needs some rest, let's let them get it." Nat suggested. You nodded in agreement. You didn't want to be left alone, but you also didn't want to have to deal with them crowding you.

After they left you wrapped your arms around yourself. Now you were alone and you wished you had someone here to hold you. You shuddered. You didn't feel alone like this very often. You would go out on dates in the city when you were first joining, but now you were well known enough that it was hard to go out and just be normal.

When you thought about it, the last actual relationship ship you had was in high school. That was before The Avengers. Someone cleared their throat from the entry way.

"Loki!" You exclaimed. You sat up to fast and got a rush of dizziness. You put you head in a head to steady yourself for a moment. Loki was at your side quickly.

"Y/N are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'll be fine." You looked you and caught a look of concern before he quickly concealed it.

"I think I can help you."

"What do you mean?" His mysterious tone intrigued you.

"Part of my abilities are that I can heal others. But," he gripped the silver bracelet on his wrist. "I can't do it with this on, and you're the only one who can take it off.

You stared down at it. It would have looked complicated to anyone else, as there was nowhere for a key or anything. You could easily use your magic to get it off and get it back on.

"How do I know I can trust you?" You didn't look up at him.

"You don't. But think, I would not have saved your life just to betray you now."

You were conflicted. If you did and he betrayed you this would be yet another screw up on your hands. What would Tony think then? Would you still be allowed to be an Avenger? But if you did and it worked they would probably be very happy to have you back on the team.

"Okay. But you have to promise to let me put it back on right away." You agreed.

"Deal." He held out his hand and you hovered your over the bracelet and concentrated. A little pressure and.... clink! It slid off into the bed. Loki blinked and rubbed his wrist.

"I almost forgot what it felt like to be myself." He muttered. You laughed.

"Yeah so have I. Being stuck in bed is not so great."

"Okay let's get started. Lay on your back and give me your left hand." Loki instructed. You obeyed and held your hand out. You were nervous to touch him. Why do I even feel that? I don't care about him.

Then he took your hand in both of his and closed his eyes. Nothing happened at first and you were beginning to wonder if this was a trick. Then you felt a strange sensation. It was as if your damaged muscles and bones were knitting themselves back together.

It was taking a little bit and eventually you got used to the weird feeling. You let your mind wander. Loki's hands were so cold around yours. They still did not change despite that fact that you were warm. His eyes were still closed so you allowed yourself to look at his face.

You had seen him many times before but this was the first time you studied him. His black hair just passed shoulder length. He had a strikingly sharp jawline and facial features. He was ..... handsome. If you didn't know who he was you'd probably be very attracted to him. Maybe I am a little bit attracted to him anyways. He's the furthest thing from ugly.

Loki released his hand and you quickly looked away. You sat up and were shocked. You felt just like your normal self. Delighted, you jumped out of bed and were able to stand on both legs.

"Yes! I can't believe this." You raised your hand up and brought it down swiftly, forming your magic into a blade, slicing your cast in half. You were so ecstatic that you rushed and gave Loki a big bear hug. The you realized what you were doing and pushed yourself away. Your cheeks burned slightly.

"Ahem. Sorry. Uh, thank you."

"You're welcome Y/N."

"Oh I probably need to put this back on." You fetched the bracelet and stood in front of him. He reluctantly held out his hand and you paused. "I don't want to have to do this."

"You barley know me. Why do you care so much?" Loki inquired. You didn't know what to say to that. You snapped the bracelet on.

"I uh don't know what you mean." You started off and stopped at the doorway. "I can't thank you enough."

As you walked to your room you got an idea. This would be the perfect way to announce that you had been healed. You remembered that day a month ago when you and Loki had shared a deep moment at the pool. Maybe this could help with his loneliness as well.

"Hey Friday? I'm gonna need some help." You said with a smirk.

A/N ~ I didn't know what image to use so enjoy that Loki concept art!

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