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Avengers Compound - Present day (2015)

You laid on your bed playing with a blue ball of your magic. Or power? You still weren't sure what to call it even after having it your entire life. When you met the team for the first time Thor called it magic and it just kinda stuck with everyone. You personally wanted something a little more suited for it.

You reflected on the events of the past few weeks. You had just fought in sokovia, barley defeating the metal army of Ultron. There were two new additions that were now living on the compound. Wanda and Vision. It had only been a week but you liked Wanda. You both had powers had were completely different in nature and origin, but operated somewhat similarly. Vision was an oddity but you could have good fun sometimes. However you related to Wanda. You both lost your families. You didn't even know your birth family.

There was a bing on the intercom and FRIDAY's voice sounded overhead. You were unsure if you would ever get used to hearing FRIDAY's voice and not JARVIS's. "Y/N your presence is requested, it seems Thor is here."

"Thor! He left right after sokovia and said he might not be back for a long time." You said in surprise, leaping to your feet. Not waiting for a response, you dashed from your room, making for the stairs. On a normal day you would take the elevator, but you were excited to see Thor. He had only been gone a week but you felt it was longer than that.

Making it into the main living space you dashed at Thor, leaping in a mock attack. He was unprepared, which was odd. He laughed half heartedly and pulled you off, setting you on the ground gently.

"Thooor!" You laughed. He smiled, but it was not true. You glanced around the room and there seemed to be a somber mood over the room.

"What's going on?" You asked, now serious. Thor sighed, looking down.

"You should sit down, Y/N." Tony suggested, his voice tight. You blinked in surprise at his tense tone, but you followed his advice.

"Sooo is anyone going to explain what's going on?" You asked.

"Thor has news. It seems there is something or someone that was quite upsetting to the team." Vision informed you.

Thor stepped forward, he glanced at you, looking apologetic. "The news is of my brother, Loki. Who you all know." You immediately tensed, gripping the edge of the couch so hard your knuckles were white. Everyone knew how you felt about him, save for
Vision and Wanda.

"Not too long ago you know there was the situation with some dark elf creatures and my brother. He ended up helping me after all. For a long time there has been discussion over his... placement. It was clear Father wanted rid of him. And we have decided that he should serve time on earth. If he proves that he is better, his sentence might be greatly shortened." Thor explained.

There was complete silence. No one moved. You were shaking slightly. All you could see was from that day in 2012. Your parents bodies before you, eyes glazed, and bodies broken.

You knew in the back of your mind that Loki had not personally killed them, but he was responsible for bringing the Chitauri. In your mind that's all it took for him to be responsible.

"Y/N, hey Y/N!" someone was calling. You snapped out of it and looked around the room. Everyone was looking at you. You looked down at your hands which were glowing blue, as were your eyes you were sure.

"Sorry." You said softly, waving your fingers to dissipate the glow. You did notice a visible relaxation from everyone in the room. That always made you uncomfortable. But they had good reason you supposed.

You noticed Clint was looking angry. He had been mind controlled by his scepter, which had caused him much pain. "You seriously expect us to allow this? He was responsible for the deaths of hundreds!"

You were taken aback, Clint never yelled. Everyone seemed to be sharing the same feeling. Natasha was looking thoughtful and you wondered what she had to say for this.

To your surprise it was Steve who spoke up first. "I think that we should let Thor bring him here."

There was an outburst of complaints from Clint and Tony.

"I agree." Wanda said, and so did Nat.

"What? How can you agree?" you asked incredulously.

"Hear me out," Nat said, "He did do bad things. But who here hasn't? And you surely are regretful of them correct? If you knew me for my actions only I would not be here today. Clint you know this. You didn't make snap judgments about me. Now i'm not saying that Loki is to be trusted, but he needs to be given a second, or third, chance."

Wanda stepped up. "She is right. I started off attacking you, now unbelievably, I am a part of the avengers. You gave me a chance as well."

Steve just nodded, and Clint was looking a slight bit less cross. Vision was mostly irrelevant in this case, he was probably still trying to process what was going on right now, since he wasn't alive before a week ago.

You couldn't believe this. He was only a villain in your eyes. No matter how many words the team said in favor of this you would not change your mind. Even if the words they were saying made much logical sense and couldn't be denied.

Tony sighed heavily. "I'm still not on board with this," he paused, seeming to gather himself "but it seems you are all are mostly agreed." he glanced at you with that emphasis.

You stood up so fast you nearly fell right over. You steadied yourself. "I can't believe you are agreeing to this!"

"You know what he means for me!" you cried, looking to Tony. His expression had fallen. You hated yourself for that but you were embroiled in your own feelings right now. You looked around the room and scoffed when no one said anything.

You turned around and stormed off, ignoring their calls after you. Already you felt bad. You would apologize later. But right now all you could think of was the pain you felt the day your parents died.

You made it to your bed and collapsed on it, burying yourself in your pillows.

Sometime later you gathered yourself to take a shower. As you took off your shirt your hand ran over the scar on your right shoulder. Your mind went back to 2012.

You closed your eyes, thinking of how you got it. It was a sort of star shape that spread directly down your arm on one point, and to the very edge of your collarbone on another. The last point of the star stretched to your spine and down mid back. You let no one else see it.

Whenever you went to the pool you made sure you were alone. It was gruesome and you didn't want any of them to see the hideous mark. And you didn't want their pity. The kid you rescued being marred like that.

You tried not to think about it as you showered and changed.

You sighed and looked out your window. You hated having an outburst like that in front of everyone. And you would be lying to everyone and yourself if you didn't see reason to what Wanda and Nat had said. You would make it up to them later though.

There was a beam of rainbow light outside and you got to your feet. That had to be them since you didn't see Thor leave. Slowly you got up and walked over to the floor to ceiling window. The light from the bifrost faded and on the grass was Thor, and Loki.

You clenched your fist. Their backs were to you as they walked to the front door where agents or bodyguards of some kind were stationed to escort them. You kind of wished you could see Loki's face. You had only ever seen him on the news. When the avengers sent him away back to Asgard you didn't see that so you had no idea what he looked like. Well other than the few glimpses the news caught. You could tell from this distance that he was wearing those strange Asgardian clothes. Minus the cape.

Intrigued to see the face of the focus of your hate for three years, you went to the elevator. You were apprehensive though. You bit on your thumb nail, it was a bad habit you had picked up after years of anxiety following your parents death.

The doors opened and you stepped into the main room. Everyone turned to look at you and your dropped your hand.

There Loki was, in the center of the room, and he was looking right at you.

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