Eleven - Secrets

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That was a bizarre memory. Especially given that seeing him triggered it. You contemplated for a moment before returning to your breakfast. Loki walked slowly to the couch, and you could feel his eyes on you the whole time. He was so bizarre.

Everything about this whole situation was bizarre.

Bizarre, bizarre, bizarre.

You thought about your life, less than five years ago you were some weird girl with powers. No one had ever heard your name, and now you were an Avenger. The most famous group on earth. You smiled to yourself.

Nat seemed like she was going to ask you what that was about, but then Friday made an announcement that there was a need for a small mission.

"We'll go," She said, gesturing to herself and Clint "You stay here. You're in no shape to fight after last night."

"Which we will be talking about!" Tony added as he left.

You sighed and rolled your eyes slightly. You didn't really feel like otw as your fault. The drinks had just seemed to keep coming that night. You looked up to see Loki was still in the room looking right at you. Feeling awkward you looked down instantly. A blush crept up your neck and you chewed on your nail anxiously.

"So how was your party?" Loki asked, flipping to another page in his book.

"Umm..." You trailed off. "To be totally honest I can't remember most of it. But I kinda get the feeling it sucked."

"It didn't suck. Or I , it was alright." Loki said.

"Really? What uh, what happened?" You asked him.

"You don't remember?" Loki asked slowly.

"Well the last thing I remember is dancing with you and then going back to the bar after you ditched me." 

This was false. You did remember a bit further. But you wanted to save yourself the embarrassment. Unbeknownst to you Loki was also going to keep something from you.

"Hmm well you got pretty wasted. According to Midgard rules I don't know how you got drunk in the first place." He muttered.

"Well the bartenders are supposed to know but this guy didn't know me so it was probably just a mistake." You said. Saying it felt wrong, Tony was always so careful after what happened with Ultron.

"Apparently. He got you drunk enough I had to walk you back." Loki finally admitted.

"Oh yeah." Your cheeks reddened and you looked away. You attempted to laugh it off. "Um, sorry for that. That's embarrassing."

"Oh, it's no issue." Loki replied. "I think we need to talk about it though."

"Well I don't see why. I don't really remember it anyways." You responded unknowingly.

"Ah yes I agree."

"Then why'd you suggest we talk?"

"I thought it would make you feel better."

That surprised you. He was actually doing something nice for once? Making sure you were safe back to your room and saving you from that maniac was also nice. But you didn't dwell on it.

"Hey I was thinking. We need to talk about that day at the pool. It was a big thing and we just never discussed it." You felt uncomfortable bringing it up but now seemed like a good time. You were already comfortable talking with him.

Loki looks up to you. "I thought you were avoiding that discussion."

"I thought you were." You retorted, walking over. Though you had to admit it was mostly your fault.

"No matter. I believe there is something to be discussed anyways." His eyes flicked to your shoulder and you adjusted your shirt so that bit of it was hidden.

"That day, I-" You sigh, rubbing your neck. "No one else has ever seen the scar besides Nat, Thor, and Tony because they found me."

"Y/N, I can't begin so say how I-"

"Stop. You, you don't need to apologize to me." You sighed heavily and thought about what you said to him that day. "I still will never be able to forget."

"I don't expect you to." He replied quietly. You thought what you should say.

"Why are you so lonely? What i felt, how do you bear that feeling?" You asked.

"It's complicated Y/N."

"I'm sure it is, but you must realize that Thor loves you so much. And you must have other friends or something on Asgard."

Loki scoffed. "I'm what you would call a social outcast. And my family... my father certainly despises me."

"You don't know that for sure." You tried to comfort him.

"Yes I do." He sighed. "Thor was always the favorite child, and I was just passed over. I wouldn't figure out why until later."


Loki shook his head and looked away. "I'm not ready to talk about that yet."

You feeling strangely compelled. You reached out you hand and held it there. Loki stared at it silently and then took your hand. Your hand felt tiny in his. You never really thought you did before this but his were so strong you were surprised.

My hands really aren't that big are they? you thought you heard Loki ask, sounding wounded.

"What?" You exclaimed looking up at him.

"I didn't say anything." Loki replied.

"Yes you did! I thought that your hands were big and you said that you didn't think so."

"What? I thought that."

You jaw dropped. What the f-

Don't curse.

"Now you are saying something in my head! Why is this happening?" You were freaking out a bit.

"I don't know...." Loki trailed off. In his head popped up an image of you two kissing. You yanked your hand back and his thought was jerked from you.

"Now you're imagining us kissing?!?" You shoved at him. "What's wrong with you?"

"Y/N please calm down, I wasn't imagi-"

Then, with extremely poor timing, Tony burst in. He looked between the two of you angrily and charged at Loki. Loki stood up so fast his chair knocked over. You had no idea what was going on but you darted between them so Tony wouldn't bust his lip.

"Whoa whoa whoa!! What is going on?" It was only 9:37 in the morning, this was too much insanity for you.

"What did you do to her?" Tony shouted. "I saw that in the news you were forcing yo-"

"TONY!" You yelled at the top of your lungs. You took a breath, "Now that is a huge accusation you were about to make. Now do you want to calm down and tell me what the hell is going on?"

Tony took a deep breath and paced for a moment until he was noticeably calmer. Though he still was obviously upset. You glanced at Loki. His expression was indecipherable. Maybe angry or regretful was all you could glean. Most of the team was also in the room now. They just have been attracted by all the shouting. Thor was still absent due to his visit to Asgard.

Steve approached. "So Loki, you wanna tell us what this is all about."

"I owe no one but Y/N any words."

"Okay will you all stop talking as if I'm not here? What happened?"

Steve sighed heavily and glanced to Tony who shook his head and muttered something. Steve gestured to you Holo-phone which you picked up.

"News." was all he said. So you pulled up your news feed. And the first thing that popped up was only half a title. AVENGERS SCANDAL? LOKI IS SEEN KIS...

You click on the article and the first thing you see is a picture front and center of you and Loki.

You and Loki engaged in what looks like a passionate kiss.

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