Ten - Flashback

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The first thing you felt when you became conscious was pounding in your head.

The second thing was regret.

Light streaming in through your window had woken you up. You groaned and sat up, bracing your head. You stumbled to the bathroom and fumbled with you cup to get some water. You popped a few Tylenol and gulped down the water. You sighed in relief and looked in the mirror.

You winced. You looked horrible. Your makeup smudged so bad you you looked like a raccoon. Your lipstick was slightly smudged as well. This must have happened while you were asleep.

You brought your fingers to your lips and held them there for a moment. You had a strange feeling but you weren't sure what it was. The last thing you remembered was drinking more at the bar after dancing with Loki.

You drummed your fingers on your face. Before you could confront the confusing mess that was last night, you needed to take a shower. You cleaned yourself up and started to feel better once the pain meds kicked in. Your head still throbbed, but it had reduced slightly.


You made your way to the kitchen slowly. It seemed everyone was there. Except for Loki who was unusually absent. And Thor who was still gone for his own reasons.

"Ohhoho, Y/N!" Clint shouted. You winced.

"Please not now." You groaned.

"Are you hungover?" Steve asked, his fatherly tone made you shake your head.

"Ugh, please let me eat breakfast first."

"Even though I've been there before, shouldn't the bartender have known you're under age? I'll have to speak to him about that." Tony said.

You shook your head. "It wasn't our usual guy. Some new younger guy. He probably just didn't know me."

Tony frowned. "Well that's not right. I always keep an eye on who's allowed in and it should have been the usual."

You shared an uneasy glance with Clint. You wanted to wave it off, but it was not nothing for sure. So you hesitantly said, "There could have been a mistake."

Tony shook his head and muttered to himself, getting his Holo-phone to look up guest records. You made some cereal since that was the easiest thing. You thought about the events of last night. Why did Loki seem so strange and ditch you after your dance? You didn't see him again after (to your knowledge).

You pursed your lips slightly. Did I kiss someone last night? That was a horrifying realization. It definitely wasn't one of the Avengers. Besides Vision and Wanda they were like your parents. Wanda and Vision were also a no because they sort of had something going on. Though neither of them had said so.

You efficiently ruled the whole team out and set yourself to wondering. Thinking about who you might've kissed brought you back to high school.

- FLASH BACK TO 2011 -

You were in school, extremely bored with your history lesson. Instead you browsed through your phone. News about some small town in New Mexico that had ... blah, blah you didn't care.

Then some news about Tony Stark. That piqued your interest. About a year ago there had been some incident at the Stark expo. You were going to read on but the bell rang and you quickly gathered your stuff to leave.

Someone came up to you in the hall. It was Brian. He was the popular kid, who you most definitely had a slight crush on. But so did every other girl in school so you didn't make it a big deal.

"Hey you should come hang out with me after school. Me and my buddies are gonna chill. I can drive." He offered. You were shocked.

"Really? You want me to come?" If you had known better you would have declined and pushed him away then and there.

Brian laughed loudly, drawing attention from a bunch of people, which made you uncomfortable. He slung his arm around you, hand dropping to your waist. You did not like this, it make you feel squirmy on the inside. But you had a crush on him, weren't you supposed to like this?

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6:00." He let go and started walking away.

"Oh okay!" You were disconcerted. He hadn't really given you time to say anything. But he was popular so he must like you if he was inviting you.

. . .

The next evening you were super excited to hang out with Brian. You got all ready and double checked to make sure you looked nice. He was quiet most of the ride, and you didn't really recognize where you were going. He pulled off into some random parking lot and parked.

"We're here." He announced.

"Um what is here?" You asked anxiously.

"Oh this is where me and my buddies hang out. So count yourself special that you get to know about it." He joked, putting a hand on your knee.

"Haha yeah." you laughed awkwardly. Your heart was pounding, you really wished you had declined his original offer.

"Hey look at me." He said. You did. He leaned forward and kissed you and your struggles to pull yourself away.

"What? Please stop!" You cried. Thankfully another car pulled up so he was forced to let go. He went out to greet them without saying anything to you. You followed shakily. Him and his friends laughed and were loud and annoying, mostly ignoring you.

At one point he slapped his hand onto your thigh. You needed to tell him to stop.

"Please stop." You said. The conversation halted.

"What did you say?" Brian asked threateningly.

"Please stop touching me. You're really making me uncomfortable and I'm not ready for this." You were humiliated by the shaking in your voice.

"But you so clearly have a crush on me. You should want this." Brian said. "And in front of all my guys?"


"Shhhh, just let me..." he leaned in slipping his hand down your waist. You shoved at his chest and a blue blast of color shot out, sending him sprawling. Your jaw hung agape.

- PRESENT DAY (2015) -

That was the first time you used your powers. You didn't like that memory. You were so stupid back then. You had purposefully never told anyone that. Your parents only knew half the story.

You were so lost in your memories that you didn't notice the change in atmosphere. Loki was standing in the door way. The second you saw him you had a flash of memory return.

You using him for support as he guided you away from the party.

A/N ~ This flashback will be important later! Remember Brian, he is not a one time appearance character.

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