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Its been three longs years since i saw my only love. I cant remember i was so crule to him, i almost killed him. But what can i do. My sister got the head of me. But this is will change. I hope jungkook will find a way. To stop my noona.

I look up in my empty side of the bed. It was so cold, and lonely. I want seokjin to be here. I want him to stay beside me. I want to protect him. But i didnt, instead i almost kill him. I cry every night. Feeling guilty for what i done. This is night is no diffence, i curled like a bad. I begun to cry. I want seokjin to be with me. I want to protect and take care of him. I still can't take my thoughts of him. Every single day of my life. I will love him forever.


Seokjin push himself into Chanyeol chest. He want to feel the warmthness of him he also wanted to cuddle. Chanyeol was awaken when he got pull by seokjin. He was really happy. He wanted this to last forever, but guilt is killing him everyday, because his taking all of seokjin memories. Chanyeol is a very kind man, he protect everyone that he loves. Including seokjin or Iseul the name he choice for him. Chanyeol cant forget when the last of seokjin memories has taken away from him.

FLASHBACK. 2 years ago.

Irene and seokjin was left in the room seated on the chair while Chanyeol was just on the outside of the room. this happen 2 years ago. Irene slowly making seokjin memories disapper.

Listen to my voice, remember that your Iseul Lee. Your my only brother. You have a boyfriend and his name is Chanyeol. Thats the only thing you will remember. Your memories of your past that doesnt have me or Chanyeol will slowly dissapear. You wont remember all of them. The only thing you will remember is us. Said Irene as he hold seokjin head, Seokjin eyes become blue that begun to cry blood. Irene is now using her gift the gift that she almost forget.

She has this kind of gift ever since she was young. She doesnt know that he use it to his cousin. Her beta power is really strong. Her cousin was just 5 and she was 9. Her cousin love to follow her around that make her irritated. She decided to talk to him and said go to your mother and hug her. She said with her golden eyes. The child was lost on his sight. She smile. But her smile dissapear when his aucle starting to look for his son.

"Irene, have you seen your cousin?"

"No uncle" she lie.

Then she had a call from a man

"Sir, your son" the man said  with a panicking voice.

"What happen to my son?" His uncle shout.

"We saw him, with your wife's dead body" Irene gulp as she remember what she told to his cousin. She also remember that his mother is dead and they just left the cementery.

"Sir your son wont stop holding your wife." Said the man.

"Okay im coming" said his uncle.

"Im coming with you uncle" the guilty Irene said. Luckily his uncle said yes.

The Irene felt guilty eben more why she saw his little cousin crying and hugging his dead mother. The coffin was open

"Baby, lets go home." Said his uncle. He grab his son. But the 5 year old son seems to be strong. He wouldnt let go the corpse. Irene knew what she must do. "Uncle, i will convince him" the uncle nod and go back. Irene took a deep breath. He hold his cousin hands and said with her golden eyes. " look at me" she command. The child look. "You will follow obey your father, you will listen to him and be a good son to him. Yoongi" his cousin obey him and run towards his father.
Irene smile when she saw that his cousin is reunited with his uncle. Yoongi and Irene became close.

From that day on, she promise not going to use these powers. But she have to. She wanted him to be happy. Even it hurts her so much.

You heard it right. Irene developt a feeling towards Chanyeol. She love him, but his not for her. But she still hope that someday. Chanyeol will notice her.

After that session. Seokjin sleep for a weak. Irene said its normal. Because his mind is adjusting from the hypnosis.

And Irene was right, when jin woke up. He doesnt have memories other than Her and Chanyeol.

They leave happily in japan.

But there simple, peaceful and happy life will change. Soon.


I will cut this here.

Hello angels.

Thankyou so much for still reading this book. This really is my longgest story i ever made. And i also join this to many contest.

It will be a great help if you voted for this book.

Thankyou in advance....
Love you all❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💖💖💖💗💖💖💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

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