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"What the heck are you saying, hoseok. You kn-" seokjin stop talking as he smell his own scent. Is that me? He ask himself. He look at hoseok confuse.

"Don't look at me like that! I'm also confuse, i first thought that was omega that you have sex with. But i remember you didnt have omega last night  and the scent came from your own body. Like now your scent started to get sour. Your like an omega who is so distress"

"What! I'm not an omega. How can that be. I just need to rest more. That's all" seokjin try to calm himself. He lay back do his bed. He try to close his eyes again. But he can't get his sleep again. He slowly open his eyes. And look at the shock hoseok.

"Hyung, your eyes are blue" he said. 

"No, my eyes. Isn't blue"  seokjin disagree. He immediately get up and went to the bathroom.

"Ahhhhhh" he shouted. "This is just a bad dream" seokjin slap his face but it hurt.
Hoseok came in to the bathroom he was his hyung crying kneeling in the floor.
He carry he sit in front of him he lifted his chin. He can't believe the brave alpha king kimseojin was now crying like a fragile omega.

"MY LOVE" the two look at the door.

"Shit! Its taehyung" hoseok growl. Seokjin got up. Hoseok was shock as his hyung reply. "My love"

Shit! Did his hyung just said that to the his most hated alpha in the world. Seokjin was going to open the door. But hoseok stop him.

"Hyung" he shouted. Seokjin begun to struggle in his hold. Good thing his hyung room is scent and sound proft. He can't let him see another alpha. He knew it was dangerous in his state. He just thank good that he was not affected by his omega scent. He has to find what wrong with his hyung.



"hyung, why your so early?" Ask my little friend kookie.

"I'm going to see him. I've been gun for days. I miss him" i said

"Okay, just don't come back crying when he broke your heart again" he said mocking his hyung.

"Nope, i won't cry again. Because i can feel this is my lucky day."

"You also said that three days ago. But his still not into you. Just accept it hyung. He cannot be yours"

"No! I won't surrender until i die"

"I think you will die broken hearted" said the mocking jimin and he enter the house.

"Aish! Stop the negativity. Im going now. See you later"

On the way. I saw a group of people leaving the village of alpha seokjin. I try to ask them but they didn't answer him.

Seokjin need to know this. I hypnotist the guards to open the gate to the village for him. It works every time.

I came to the pack house.
I came to the second floor. As i walk he smell a different scent.

A scent of fresh pick strawberry. He stop at the front of The Alpha he love.

"My love" i said.

I knock to the door. Yo my surprise his right hand hoseok hyung. The scent was gone.

"Hyung, can i talk to Alpha seokjin" i said.

"No, his still sleeping. You can tell me. I will just tell him when he wake up"
Said hoseok hyung as he push me and close the door behind. Him

"Okay i will tell you. his people is leaving this pack"

"What?" He shout.

"I saw them, as i came here" i explain.

"Show me what direction they take" i know. He look towards the door, then we leave.



hyung keep shouting and wiggling as i hold him. I have no choice i use my alpha voice in him.

"STOP OMEGA, YOU WILL JUST SIT IN YOUR BED AND DON'T MOVE AN INCH" I said. I didn't know that my alpha voice will work on him. "Yes alpha" he said as he move towards the bed and sit. He didn't move an inch.
I grab a spray that hyung use. So he can eliminate the smell of omega in his room. Then i open the door and try to close it. So taehyung won't smell my hyung.

I was shock to know that Yiren family is gonna leave. He know that it was her family.

Me and taehyung. Use our speed so that we can get through them.

Then we saw them. We stop in front of them.

"Alpha, where are you going. I ask there leader" the older man look at us with his red eyes.

"Where going away. Far from this hell" he said with a stern voice.

"But alpha, its too dangerous out there" i said.

"No! Its more dangerous here. Out of our way. Or i will rip you two apart"
I gulp. We step aside i know what this clan can do. They started to walk again.

Shit! Why this problem keeps happening in the same time.

"Hyung, we should tell this to the head alpha' taehyung said.

"We can't" i protest.


"He has more difficult problem to face"



RED AND BLUE ~TAEJINWhere stories live. Discover now